I have been working in LoadRunner since it was with Mercury Interactive. Almost a decade I guess. Still I remember how I struggled to complete my first script in Web HTTP/HTML protocol. Then I got a chance to work with web services, TruClient, and DevWeb. I always wanted to clear the LoadRunner certification. But due to various reasons I couldn't. One of the main reason is the cost of the certification. It is expensive and I cannot afford. But now somehow I managed to allocate funds and planned for the certification couple months ago. This blog post will help you out in planning, registering, tips and tricks about how you can successfully clear Micro Focus LoadRunner certification.
Following are the prerequisites to register for the exam:
- Micro Focus Account (free to create)
- $200 USD (or equivalent local currency)
- Patience (a lot)
Creating Micro Focus Account
Head to this page https://www.microfocus.com/selfreg/jsp/createAccount.jsp to create an account for free

You can use your personal email ID to create an account.
How to register for the exam?
Visit this page https://microfocus.viewcentral.com/events/uploads/microfocus/contact.html
Click on Email icon based on your region.
It is not possible to check out the certification in online. You need to follow the below steps:
- Send an email to training or sales team with Micro Focus. Here is the sample email
Hi Team,
Could you please help me out to register for LoadRunner v12.5 Certified Professional Exam?
My current location is: <add your current location>
My Employer: <add your employer>
My mode of payment: <credit card>
Thank you!
- You will get an email from Micro Focus representative. They will send you an payment authorization form and the legal quote details.
- Validate the quote and make sure everything is properly entered. Below is the sample quote I received.

You need to fill out the payment authorization form. It is ideal to use the credit card. Fill the form, sign it, scan it (or you can use PDF editor) and send it back. While replying mention your contact number and the best time to call you.
Representative will call to take down the credit card details such as credit card number, expiry date and CVV code.
Payment processing will take up to 2 weeks. Please plan your certification well ahead.
Once all is well, you will get series of emails from Micro Focus. One of the email will state the credit key, course (exam), and other details. Below is the sample.

To take the exam just click on Launch Course
link in the email.
LoadRunner Certification Details
Visit this page to read the blue print, exam format etc.http://admin.viewcentral.com/events/uploads/microfocus/LR120-125-CP-Outline-A_v1.0.pdf

For more details visit https://marketplace.microfocus.com/education/content/loadrunner-certified-professional-exam which will take to you below page.

About LoadRunner Certification
- Install LoadRunner.
- Plan a load test.
- Demonstrate core performance center software knowledge.
- Analyze a scenario run and create session report.
Exam Format
- Number of items: 50
- Exam time: 2 hours 30 minutes
- Passing score:70%
- Product ID: LR120-125-ASP-Exam-v2
- Certificate Validity: Lifetime
- Exam access: 1 year from the date of confirmation
- Free retake: No
Each question has a time duration of 3 minutes to be attempted by the student, failure to mark a response within the stipulated time will move the student to the next question on the block.
You will get to know whether you answered correctly your question or not instantly.
If it is correct, it will display it in green and prompt you to press Y or click anywhere. Else it will display it in red color. You will not get to know the correct answer for the question.
If you ask me whether I like the overall process of registering, preparing, and appearing for the exam or not. My answer is NO.
Registration is very stringent process. You have to send email back and forth couple times.
I hope Micro Focus will change this process soon.
How to prepare for the exam?
First, go thru the exam topics and understand where you need to focus. LoadRunner is an ocean. It is not possible to read all the documentation, protocols, user interface etc.
My recommendation is have at least couple years of project experience will gain you some confidence.
Read the following documentation:
- LoadRunner - https://admhelp.microfocus.com/lr/en/2020/help/WebHelp/Content/Resources/_TopNav/_TopNav_Home.htm
- TruClient - https://admhelp.microfocus.com/tc/en/2020/Content/Resources/_TopNav/_TopNav_Home.htm
- NV - https://admhelp.microfocus.com/nv/en/Latest/help/Content/Resources/_TopNav/_TopNav_Home.htm
If you can afford LoadRunner 12.6x Essentials, you can attend this 5 days training from Micro Focus. Cost is $4000 USD only.
My Exam Topics
Following are the topics which I got it in my exam:
- Understand Recording and Runtime Settings user interface
- Understand script creation and its components
- Think time
- Pacing
- Browser Emulation
- Parameterization
- Debugging techniques
- Correlation
- Commonly used functions (Web HTTP/HTML)
- Network Virtualization
- Creating scenarios and its types
- Scenario design
- Port numbers
- VUsers
- Controller logs
- IP Spoofing
Analysis Questions
- Drill Down
- Correlate Graphs
- Granularity
- Merge Graphs
- Types of graphs
- Monitors
LoadRunner Certificate
Once you are done with your exam, you will get the score immediately to your email. After couple of hours, you will get another email from youracclaim for the online certificate.

Is there any unofficial courses I can recommend to clear the certification?
No. Don't fall for that.
Is there a free retake available?
Is there a dump available?
I don't know. It is against Micro Focus terms.
How many months I need to spend to get ready for the exam?
At least 1-2 months before exam.
Is project experience required to clear for the certification?
I recommend at least couple of years project experience.
Is there a question from other protocols?
None I got. I have received questions from Web HTTP/HTML, Mobile, TruClient, and Web Services.
Do you provide training for the certification?
Not immediately. If I plan, I will publish it in my blog.
What are your tips for me?
- Plan well ahead.
- Practice daily with hands-on.
- Read documentations.
- Appear for the exam in a quiet place with no distractions.
- Connect your computer or laptop to LAN
- Read the question at least twice before answering
- Read the answers at least twice before you hit Submit
- If you fail, appear again.
- All the best!
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