The first Quasar Conference - Online!
UPDATED: 30.06.2020
We asked the community where the conference should be held and we noticed Quas...
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wow, I`m so excited for this <3
Great framework
Hi, it would be very helpful if a talk could be given on Debugging all types of Quasar Apps with VS Code.
Scott, I think you should invite Danny as a speaker. He brings a lot of value to Quasar
He was invited.
Danny is also going to be doing a talk. :) I'll be updating the announcement with his talk topic soon.
Very interested, but Australian time is 1am.
Can this be viewed later?
Hey. Yeah, we're concentrating on the US and Europe. Sorry about the timing. But, thanks for the interest and yes, all Youtube Live streams are also turned into Youtube videos too. Follow our Twitter or Facebook pages and we'll let you know when the video is ready to view.
On a Sunday morning following July 4th... Good thing it will be available later!
As it says here in Brazil:
Long life quasar-framework!
looking forward. i love quasar framework
Great Idea !! var date = 'saved';
This is great! Love Quasar and looking forward to the conference.
Thanks, Greate Framework, Wonderful community <3
Nice, now I know, what i will watch for the whole Sunday ^^ Thanks for your amazing framework!
Will this conference be online after the live stream?