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qudus olamide
qudus olamide

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Step-by-Step Setup: MySQL Database Server on AWS EC2

When setting up a MySQL database on an EC2 instance using Ubuntu as your AMI (Amazon Machine Image), it's essential to grasp some key concepts first:

Key Concepts:

Database: A collection of organized information, made up of database

Database Object: Fundamental components that help organize, control, and access data effectively. Examples include tables, queries, forms, reports, etc.

Database Management System (DBMS): Software used to manage databases. Examples include MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL.

Relational Database: A database where data is stored in tables, with relationships between tables based on shared data.

Relational Database Management System (RDBMS): Software that maintains relational databases. Examples include MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL, and Oracle.

Database interaction occurs through web applications or directly through SQL commands.

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The four core database operations (CRUD) are:
C - Create
R – Read

U - Update
D - Delete

Setting Up a MySQL Database Server on EC2:

Now that we understand these key concepts, let's walk through the steps to set up MySQL on an EC2 instance:

  1. Launch the EC2 Instance
    Start by launching your EC2 instance and selecting Ubuntu as your AMI. Once the instance is running, update the operating system by executing:
    $ sudo apt update -y

  2. Install MySQL Server
    Install MySQL by running the following command:
    $ sudo apt install mysql-server -y

  3. Verify Installation
    Confirm that MySQL is installed by checking the version:
    $ mysql –version or locate the installation: $ which mysql

  4. Check MySQL Status
    Ensure that the MySQL service is running with this command
    $ sudo systemctl status mysql

Securing MySQL:

After installing MySQL, the next best practice is to secure the installation. This involves setting a root password, removing anonymous users, and disabling remote root login. Run the secure installation script:
$ sudo mysql_secure_installation

This script will guide you through the following steps:
Setting a root password
Removing anonymous users
Disallowing root login remotely
Removing the test database
Once secured, you’re ready to start using MySQL.

Interacting with MySQL:

MySQL uses Structured Query Language (SQL) to manage data. To interact with the MySQL server, enter the MySQL shell:
$ sudo mysql

Within the MySQL shell (denoted by mysql>), here are a few useful commands:
mysql> USE mysql;
Creating a Database and Table:
Let's now create a database and a table inside the MySQL server.

  1. Create a Database To create a new database, use the CREATE DATABASE SQL command. For example, mysql> CREATE DATABASE schoolDB;

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  1. Create a Table To create a table in a database use the SQL command: CREATE TABLE table_name (     column1 datatype,     column2 datatype,     column3 datatype,    .... ); For example, we create a table named subject in the schoolDB database: mysql> CREATE TABLE subject ( ID int, First_name varchar(10), Last_name varchar(10) );

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  1. View Tables After creating the table, view the list of tables: mysql> SHOW TABLES;

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Inserting and Retrieving Data:

  1. Insert Data into the Table Use the INSERT INTO statement to add records. INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, column3, ...) VALUES (value1, value2, value3, ...); Here's an example:

mysql> INSERT INTO subject (ID, First_name, Last_name)
VALUES (1, 'Qudus', 'Dosunmu');

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  1. Retrieve Data To view the records you’ve inserted, use the SELECT statement: mysql> SELECT * FROM subject;

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  1. MySQL is not case-sensitive, so commands can be entered in uppercase or lowercase.
  2. Always end SQL commands with a semicolon (;).

With this step-by-step guide, you can now deploy and interact with a MySQL database on an EC2 instance. If you're looking to expand your knowledge or troubleshoot, feel free to reach out or share your experiences!

Sources & Credits:
Fredrick Achiever
Skill Afrika Cloud Computing Bootcamp For Beginners

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