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Advent of Code 2021 Python Solution: Day 13

Today's challenge was fun to do and it was not that hard as well.


import numpy as np
data1, data = get_data(day=13)

dots = [list(map(int, f.split(","))) for f in data[:data.index("")]]
folds = data[data.index("")+1:]
folds = [f.split("along ")[1].split("=") for f in folds]
folds = [(f[0], int(f[1])) for f in folds]

dots = np.array(dots)
window = np.zeros(dots.max(axis=0)+3)

for c in dots:
    window[c[0], c[1]] = 1
window = window.T

tw = window.copy()
# print(tw)
for f in folds:
    cr,cc = tw.shape
    if axis=="y":
        #fold y axis
        chunk = tw[value+1:-2]
        # print(value-crs,chunk.shape, chunk)
        crs,ccs = chunk.shape
        tw[np.abs(value-crs):value] += chunk[::-1]
        tw = tw[:value]
        tw = np.append(tw, np.zeros((2, tw.shape[1])), axis=0)

        # fold x axis
        chunk = tw[:, value+1:-2]
        crs,ccs = chunk.shape
        print(value-crs,chunk.shape, chunk)
        tw[:, abs(value-ccs):value] += chunk[:,::-1]
        tw = tw[:, :value]
        tw = np.append(tw, np.zeros((tw.shape[0], 2)), axis=1)
    print(f"Dots: {np.sum(tw>0)}")

print(np.array2string(tw>0, separator='',
    formatter = {'bool':lambda x: ' █'[x]}))
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My answer was:

[[ ██     ███  ███  ███   ██     ████   ]
 [                           ]
 [   ████                      ]
 [████    ███  ███  ███  ████          ]
 [                             ]
 [                     ██  ████   ]
 [                                          ]
 [                                          ]]
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