DEV Community

Carlos Nah
Carlos Nah

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Comparing Arrays using isArrayEquals() method

JavaScript is a great language that has endured a long struggle over the years. Yet it continues to shine despite all the criticisms.

In this regard, I have decided to compare two arrays and see if they are equal. Equal in the sense of length and element within the array. In so doing I also take into consideration that the order of the elements doesn't matter.

Here is my code below:

 const isArrayEquals = (arr1, arr2) => {
     let count = 0;
     for(let i = 0; i < arr1.length; i++) {
        for(let j = 0; j < arr2.length; j++) {
           if(arr1[i] == arr2[j]) {

 return  arr1.length == arr2.length && count == arr1.length ? true : false;

console.log(isArrayEquals([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [1, 2, 5, 3, 4])) // true
console.log(isArrayEquals(["me", "you", "us"], ["us", "me"])) // false
console.log(isArrayEquals([], [])) // true
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Well this might not be the best way to implement this but I think it will help in the process.

I've also implemented this and some other helper methods into a npm package called rademe-js.

Hope it helps and someday we might have Array.equals implemented into ECMA TC39 specification.

Latest comments (8)

avalander profile image

Why would you consider two arrays with the same elements in different order equal?

thefern profile image
Fernando B 🚀

could have been sorted, or just appended in a different order.

ra9 profile image
Carlos Nah

Yeah well, I think it doesn't matter which order it is in what should matters is if the elements in those arrays are the same.

harrison_codes profile image
Harrison Reid

This looks like a clean implementation for most use cases! One limitation is that I don't think it will handle equality comparisons where the array elements are themselves arrays or objects. For example:

console.log(isArrayEquals([{}, {}], [{}, {}]) // false
console.log(isArrayEquals([[], []], [[], []]) // false

ra9 profile image
Carlos Nah • Edited

Thanks @Harrison Reid, at first my thoughts weren't focus on this aspect and now I will have to look into it and see what needs to be done.
And if you have a solution to share I will be grateful.

harrison_codes profile image
Harrison Reid

I don't have any solution to share for the moment unfortunately, I don't think it's an easy problem to solve - particularly when considering deeply nested combinations of arrays and objects.

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ra9 profile image
Carlos Nah

Yeah sure but I do believe it can be solve.
Anything is possible

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harrison_codes profile image
Harrison Reid

Absolutely! Good luck with it 👍