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Ramy Gamal
Ramy Gamal

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📊 Build INTERACTIVE Analytics Dashboards | METABASE

There actually exists a free, open source and cool service that helps you visualize your own data. Welcome to Metabase!

Metabase is a powerful platform that allows you to ask question about your data, then it will do some science and eventually you will see your question is answered with generated charts.


Getting Started

Although there exist enterprise (paid) plans on metabase, but you can still build it locally by following this guide. Or you can deploy it on heroku with a press of a button.

We will go with the heroku approach. Once you press the deploy to heroku button you will be redirected to heroku. Enter the application name and hit the deploy app button.

There is an authentication system that is built in metabase. So in your first time accessing your platform you will add your account details you will use to access your dashboard in the future.

In the next post we will discuss connecting to your database. So let me know in the comments what do you think about metabase and if you know similar platforms!

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