DEV Community

Rachel Soderberg
Rachel Soderberg

Posted on

Hello! I've Missed You All!

I feel like it's been awhile since I last wrote a post or article - nearly four months to be exact! I felt like writing a brief "re-introduction" since I've been inactive for a stretch of time; I've still been reading everyone's awesome work and keeping up with that, but haven't been creating any new content of my own.

Anyways, to avoid rambling, I'm back! I took some time off of writing because it was becoming a source of anxiety for me to meet my "write an article every week" goal. At work I've been going through a period where I have been doing more maintenance and Salesforce admin-type tweaks for converting to Lightning than producing new work or resolving crazy bugs, so I was finding myself at a loss for what to write about. Instead of stressing, I put the articles aside for awhile and accepted that it's okay to not meet a yearly goal if it's become a hindrance.

I don't know whether I'll be writing an article every single week, every other week seems more reasonable for the time being. I already have some great article ideas for those who are following me for my Salesforce content - I'll be digging into an awesome project soon as we finish Lightning conversion at my company, and I plan to bring you all along for the ride! Salesforce will probably be my main focus going forward, but you can expect to see some occasional C# .NET content as well. Perhaps even a sprinkling of life lessons. :)

So... yea, it's great to be back! I'm happy to see everyone still writing, and if you actually made it this far just know that you're awesome and I hope you have a fantastic new year!

Keep on writing and learning!

If you'd like to catch up with me on social media, come find me over on Twitter or LinkedIn and say hello!

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Top comments (1)

darksmile92 profile image
Robin Kretzschmar

Welcome back Rachel :) looking forward to read some new articles from you (no pressure)

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