I was able to participate in different virtual events and hackathons. These events provide amazing swags that includes a wide range of freebies like cool stickers, socks, bottles or t-shirts. You can earn these after completing some assigned tasks or even by participating (visiting the sponsor booth)
These events includes:
1. Hacktoberfest (every year in October)
Merge 4 pull-requests in any repository labelled as hacktoberfest successfully. First, 70,000 participants who successfully complete the challenge will be eligible to receive a limited-edition T-shirt👕and lots of cool stickers
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Hacktoberfest- Free Tshirt & Cool Stickers Swag(October 2020)
Mayank Choudhary ・ Sep 28 '20
As a small token of thanks for visiting Nerd Island at FutureStack, they have send some FutureStack and Relicans stickers.
3. Github Remote Graduation 2021
The first 5,000 pull requests successfully merged into the repository by May 27 will receive custom swag in the mail.

4. Veeam AWS Summit EMEA 2021
5. Jfrog Challenge
Take the JFrog Docker Challenge and win an exclusive JFrog T-shirt!
6. Vonage (Hactoberfest challenge)
If you have made a valid contribution to a Vonage repository, you can also receive either a pair of Bamboo Vonage Socks or a $5 Open Collective Gift Card!
7. New relic t-shirt and mask(Kubecon NA 2021)
It was great to meet them at KubeCon 2021. As a thanking gesture, they have send a t-shirt and a mask.
8. LogDNA t-shirt and Honeycomb.io (PagerDuty Global Summit)
Received as a token of appreciation for participating and connecting with them in PagerDuty Global Summit.
9. MLH Local Hackday 2021
Every time you participate in a digital MLH Member Event they do their best to sent you a letter with stickers and other swag from their partners.
10. Loginradius (Hacktoberfest challenge)
Prove upon your debugging skills and enhance your presence in open source community with active hours on Github.
I have finally updated my workplace corner with some cool stickers too.
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