Technical interviews haven’t changed much, so it’s up to us to upskill and master data structures and algorithms (DSA). Although the LeetCode 75 Study Plan is a great resource, covering just 75 questions to grasp all DSA concepts might not be enough—they tend to favor breadth over depth.
Being a jack of all trades might save us for now, but as time goes by, we might struggle to solve various medium-level problems within a specific topic.
Problem Statement
Given two strings, needle
and haystack
, return the index of the first occurrence of needle
in haystack
, or -1
if needle
is not part of haystack
Example 1
haystack = "sadbutsad", needle = "sad"
Explanation: The substring"sad"
occurs at indices 0 and 6, but the first occurrence is at index 0.
Example 2
haystack = "leetcode", needle = "leeto"
Explanation: The substring"leeto"
does not occur in"leetcode"
, so the output is-1
Two-Pointer Technique Solution
Although this problem can be solved with a few lines of code, our goal is to implement it using the two-pointer technique. Below is one such solution:
class Solution:
def strStr(self, haystack: str, needle: str) -> int:
# If needle is an empty string, return 0 as per convention.
if not needle:
return 0
for i in range(len(haystack)):
j = i
for k in range(len(needle)):
# Check if we are within the bounds of haystack and characters match.
if j < len(haystack) and haystack[j] == needle[k]:
j += 1
# If we've successfully matched all characters in needle.
if k == len(needle) - 1:
return i
return -1
Outer Loop:
Iterates through each index inhaystack
, considering it as a potential starting position forneedle
.Inner Loop:
For each starting index, it iterates through the characters inneedle
to verify if the substring inhaystack
starting at that index matchesneedle
. The loop breaks early if a mismatch is found.Early Termination:
If the inner loop completes (i.e., all characters inneedle
have been successfully matched), the function immediately returns the starting index.
Performance Analysis
Time Complexity:
In the worst-case scenario, the outer loop runsn
times (wheren
is the length ofhaystack
) and the inner loop runs up tom
times (wherem
is the length ofneedle
) for each iteration. This results in a worst-case time complexity of O(n * m). However, in most cases, the inner loop terminates early due to mismatches, leading to better average performance.Space Complexity:
The solution uses only a few extra pointer variables and does not require additional data structures, resulting in a constant space complexity of O(1).
This two-pointer approach provides a clear and intuitive solution for the string matching problem. While it is efficient for many cases, more advanced algorithms—such as the Knuth-Morris-Pratt (KMP) algorithm—can offer better performance in worst-case scenarios when dealing with very large strings.
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