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Discussion on: GitHub Profile as a Portfolio: Your thoughts?

rahuldkjain profile image
Rahul Jain

I personally feel that the use case of GitHub Profile is different from Personal Portfolio.

GitHub profile is really helpful to give a brief introduction about yourself as a developer/engineer, whereas a personal portfolio is meant to showcase the projects and experience in a more detailed way.

If you want to develop both, I've developed tools that will make your journey easier.

  • GitHub Profile README Generator πŸš€ Try the tool: live tool

If you find the tool useful, show some love by giving a ⭐ on ⭐️ repo

GitHub logo rahuldkjain / github-profile-readme-generator

πŸš€ Generate github profile README easily with latest add-ons like visitors count, github stats, etc using minimal UI.

GitHub Profile Readme Generator

GitHub Profile README Generator

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Loved the tool? Please consider donating πŸ’Έ to help it improve!

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Tired of editing GitHub Profile README with new features? This tool provides an easy way to create a GitHub profile readme with the latest add-ons such as visitors count, github stats, etc. πŸš€ Demo

Try the tool: GitHub Profile README Generator

🧐 Features

Just fill in the details such as Name, Tagline, Dev Platforms Username, Current Work, Portfolio, Blog, etc. with a minimal UI.

  • Uniform Dev Icons

  • Uniform Social Icons

  • Visitors Counter Badge

  • GitHub Profile Stats Card

  • GitHub Top Skills

  • Dynamic Dev(.)to Blogs (GitHub Action)

  • Dynamic Medium Blogs (GitHub Action)

  • Dynamic Personal Blogs from RSS Feed (GitHub Action)

  • Wakatime Stats contribute

  • YouTube Stats contribute

Click on Generate README to get your README in markdown You can preview the…

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  • Minimal Portfolio πŸ’ͺ A clean, minimal, responsive, and customizable portfolio template to showcase skills, experience, achievements, and favorites (movies & TVs).

GitHub logo rahuldkjain / minimal-portfolio

πŸ’ͺ A clean, minimal, responsive, and customizable portfolio template to showcase skills, experience, achievements, and favorites (movies & TVs).

Personal Porfolio for developers

πŸ’ͺ Awesome Personal Portfolio

The minimal, responsive and easily customisable portfolio for developers.

portfolio for software developer portfolio for software developer portfolio for software developer portfolio for software developer

portfolio for developers

⚑ Pages

🎯 Home (Introduction, Skills, Contact me)

🎯 Work (Internships, Projects, Miscellaneous Projects)

🎯 Achievements And Certifications

🎯 Favourites (Movies, TV/ Web Shows)

πŸš€ Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.

You'll need Git and Node.js (which comes with npm) installed on your computer.

node@v10.16.0 or higher
npm@6.9.0 or higher
git@2.17.1 or higher

πŸ”§ How To Use

From your command line, clone and run minimal-portfolio:

# Clone this repository
$ git clone
# Go into the repository
$ cd minimal-portfolio
# Install dependencies
$ npm install
# Run 
$ npm run dev

πŸ› οΈ Customize

If you like the portfolio and want to use it to create your own, please refer customization manual.

πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» Technologies used

Demo: minimal-portfolio-rahuldkjain.netl...

madza profile image

Thanks for the insight πŸ”₯πŸ”₯