Color Highlight
- styles css/web color codes in code.
Prettier Code Formatter
You can achieve Auto Format on Save
Suppports JavaScript , TypeScript , Flow , JSX , JSON*,CSS , SCSS , Less, HTML , Vue , Angular, GraphQL , Markdown , YAML
- Install Prettier extension and enable Format on Save in VS Code settings.
Auto Rename Tag
- Automatically rename paired HTML/XML tag as you change them
Html Css Support
- Auto Completion of css ,scss classes , html attributes
- Class attribute completion.
- Id attribute completion.
CSS Peek
- Ctrl+click on class names takes to class in CSS/SCSS/LESS files
IntelliSense for CSS class names in HTML
- CSS class name completion for the HTML
HTML Preview
- Previews html as you type
Live Server
- Launch a local development server with live reload feature for static & dynamic pages.

UI plugins
Atom Theme
- for those who love Atom Text Editor Theme like me
Material Theme
- Cool looking theme
Material Icons
- displays icons according to file extensions
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