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Natraj Yegnaraman
Natraj Yegnaraman

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Power Apps Checker Action

Power Apps Checker is a Microsoft service that helps you to check the quality of your Solutions and generates recommendations and suggestions that can be used to improve the quality of your solution. It is sort of the ESLint for Power Apps Solutions.

For example below are some rules that are checked by Power Apps Checker

Id Description
meta-remove-dup-reg Do not duplicate plug-in step registration
flow-avoid-invalid-reference Include valid references for actions
web-avoid-crm2011-service-soap Do not target the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 SOAP services
il-avoid-unpub-metadata Retrieve published metadata
il-avoid-crm2011-depr-message Do not use Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 deprecated messages
app-avoid-autostart Autostart of video and audio files can be distracting. Let users choose whether to play or not.
app-formula-issues-low There are formula issues for the app reported by app checker that are of low severity
web-use-navigation-api Use the navigation APIs
flow-avoid-recursive-loop Avoid recursive action as they may result in an infinite trigger loop
il-specify-column Retrieve specific columns for an entity via query APIs
app-formula-issues-medium There are formula issues for the app reported by app checker that are of medium severity
web-use-global-context Use the global context
app-include-readable-screen-name People who are blind, have low vision, or a reading disability rely on screen titles to navigate using the screen reader.
meta-avoid-crm4-event Do not use Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 plug-in registration stage
web-use-client-context Use client contexts
app-avoid-interactive-html Your app won't work correctly and will not be accessible if you place interactive HTML elements.
web-remove-debug-script Avoid including debug script in non-development environments
web-avoid-2011-api Do not use the deprecated Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 object model
web-avoid-modals Use the Client API functions for Dialogs
app-include-alternative-input Some users can't use a pen and require another way to input information. Example: Typing in a signature.
meta-avoid-silverlight Silverlight web resource usage is deprecated
il-use-autonumber-feature Use the built-in auto number feature instead of a custom auto numbering solution
il-avoid-parallel-plugin The usage of parallel patterns should be avoided within plug-ins
app-include-tab-order When a screen reader reads the elements of a slide, it's important that they appear in the order that a user would see them, instead of the order they were added to the slide.
app-include-helpful-control-setting Changing this property setting will give the user better information about the function of the controls in your app.
il-avoid-specialized-update-ops Do not use specialized update operation requests
web-use-strict-mode Use strict mode when possible
il-avoid-lock-plugin Avoid lock of static members in plug-ins
il-avoid-batch-plugin Avoid usage of batch request types in plug-ins and workflow activities
app-include-captions Without captions, people with disabilities may not get any of the information in a video or audio segment.
meta-avoid-reg-no-attribute Include filtering attributes with plug-in registration
app-include-accessible-label If there's no accessible text, people who can’t see the screen won't understand what’s in images and controls.
web-remove-console Remove console statements in client script
meta-remove-inactive Remove deactivated or disabled customizations
web-avoid-crm2011-service-odata Do not target the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 OData 2.0 endpoint
web-avoid-browser-specific-api Avoid using Internet Explorer legacy APIs or browser plug-ins
web-use-async Interact with HTTP and HTTPS resources asynchronously
meta-avoid-reg-retrieve Limit the registration of plug_ins for Retrieve and RetrieveMultiple messages
meta-avoid-retrievemultiple-annotation Avoid registering a plugin on RetrieveMultiple of annotation
web-use-strict-equality-operators Use strict equality operators
web-use-relative-uri Do not use absolute CDS for Apps endpoint URLs
web-use-offline Use the offline API
app-make-focusborder-visible If the focus isn't visible, people who don't use a mouse won't be able to see it when they're interacting with the app.
web-remove-alert Remove alert statements in client script
app-formula-issues-high There are formula issues for the app reported by app checker that are of high severity
app-include-tab-index People who use the keyboard with your app will not be able to access this element without a tab stop.
flow-outlook-attachment-missing-info Include all required outlook attachment information
il-turn-off-keepalive Set KeepAlive to false when interacting with external hosts in a plug-in
web-avoid-window-top Avoid using
app-include-state-indication-text Users won't get confirmation of their actions if the state of the control isn't showing.
web-use-grid-api Use the grid APIs
web-avoid-eval Do not use the 'eval' function or its functional equivalents.
web-use-org-setting Use organization settings
web-unsupported-syntax web-unsupported-syntax

This Action uses the Power Apps Checker PS module. You would need to register a new app on Azure AD, give it access to PowerApps-Advisor application and also create a secret. You would then be able to use the ApplicationId and Secret in this Action.

Azure AD

Here is sample output of the Action running.

Action Run

The action also create a new issue with the Power Apps Checker recommendations, if there are any.

Recommendations as Issue

The sarif file with the full set of recommendations is also uploaded into your repo.

sarif file

You can use Jonas Rapp's Power Apps Checker Tool tool to read the whole file.

sarif file

Sample Workflow

Here is a sample Workflow on how you can use the Power Apps Solution Checker Action in your workflow.

name: powerapps-solution-checker-sample
        description: "Solution Name"
        required: true
        default: 'Solution Name'
        description: "Source Environment URL"
        required: true
        default: ''       
        description: "Rule Set"
        required: true
        default: 'Solution Checker' 
        description: "Geography"
        required: true
        default: 'Australia'                           
        description: "Save results of Power Apps Solution Checker"
        required: false
        default: "true"                              

    runs-on: windows-latest

      - uses: actions/checkout@v2

      - name: Power Apps Checker
        id: powerapps-checker
        uses: rajyraman/powerapps-checker@v1.2
          token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          solutionName: ${{ github.event.inputs.solutionName }}
          sourceEnvironmentUrl: ${{ github.event.inputs.sourceEnvironmentUrl }}
          applicationId: ${{ secrets.APPLICATION_ID }}
          applicationSecret: ${{ secrets.APPLICATION_SECRET }}
          tenantId: ${{ secrets.TENANT_ID }}
          geography: ${{ github.event.inputs.geography }}
          saveResults: ${{ github.event.inputs.saveResults }}

      # Ideally, you would have a deploy step here, which should be blocked until issues identified by the Power Apps Solution checker have been resolved         
      - run: echo "Solution Checker identified issues. DON'T deploy."
        if: steps.powerapps-checker.outputs.issueNumber != ''

      - run: echo "AOK. Deploy."
        if: steps.powerapps-checker.outputs.issueNumber == ''        

Submission Category:

Wacky Wildcards

Yaml File or Link to Code

GitHub logo rajyraman / powerapps-checker

GitHub Action to check a specified solution using Power Apps Checker

Power Apps Checker Action

This Action runs Power Apps Checker against the specified solution and creates a new issue with the results provided. Before you can run the checker, you would need to create an Application in Azure AD on your tenant, with permission to PowerApps-Advisor App. You can use the PowerShell script to create the Azure AD application with the correct permission. Once this is done, you would also need to create a secret on this Application in Azure AD, store this secret as a GitHub secret on your repo and also use it in this Action.


Input Required Default Description
token - GitHub Personal Access Token. This is required for downloading the solution files from Releases. You can also use ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
solutionName - The Unique Name of the solution. This is used in Solution Upgrade step, if you are deploying a Managed

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