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Anand Kumar R
Anand Kumar R

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aks storage - persistent volumes, persistent volume claims and storage classes explained in plain english in less than 5 minutes

This is the simplified visual animated explanation of Persistent Volumes, Persistent Volume Claims and Storage Classes in Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) with the help of a real world example

In this part we will discuss :

1. What a persistent volume is and why it's important ?
2. What is a persistent volume claim and how to leverage it ? 
3. What is a storage class and how it helps in provisioning persistent volumes dynamically.
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If you haven't seen part 1 of the video, please do check it out here --> where we cover : Volumes and Volume Mounts Different Kinds of Volumes - Azure Files, Azure Disks, EmptyDir, Secrets and ConfigMaps. #aks #azure #azurein5minutes #aksstorage #azuredisks #azurefiles #k8s #aksvolumes #volumetypes #emptydir #secrets #configmaps #persistentvolumes #persistentvolumeclaims #pvc #persistentvolumes #pv #storageclasses

AKS (azure kubernetes services) in plain english

aks​ #azure​ #azurein5minutes​ #aksstorage​ #azuredisks​ #azurefiles​ #k8s​ #aksvolumes​ #volumetypes​ #emptydir​ #secrets​ #configmaps​ #persistentvolumes​ #persistentvolumeclaims​ #pvc​ #persistentvolumes​ #pv​ #storageclasses

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