Basics of Graph
Graph is data structure it has two componets
- vertex / node
- edge
Type of Graph
- Undirect
degree(1) = 2 ← no of connected edges
degree(2) = 3
Total Number of edges in Undirect graph = 2 * E
(where E = Number of edges)
sequence of node without reapeting or revisiting any node.
1 3 2
1 5
❌1 3 2 3 → invalid can’t revisit
Undirected acyclic graph
- Directed
Indegree(2) = 2 ← number of incoming edges
Outdegree(2) = 2 ← number of outgoing edges
- Qwe can move 1 to 5 and 5 to 4
- similarly 1 to 2 and 2 to 3
- but we can not move from 5 to 1
suppose if 2 to 1 is not there then we can call this Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)
Representation of Graph
- adjacency matrix
→ when two node are connected put 1 at their position
- adjacency list
→ write name of name and name of other connected nodes
Adjacency Matrix
Adjacency List
If edges are having some weights then
weighted undirected graph
if weight is not given if still you need then you can consider it as 1
weighted directed graph
Traversal in Graph
- DFS - Depth First Search
→ Take one node and search all child until you reach leaf node still if dont find then comeback one step
- BFS - Breadth First Search
→ First Search all childs then grandchild then again child of grand childs
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