Overview of My Submission
i always had an issue of saving important resources and tweets on twitter. so to tackle this issue i built bookwheat. bookwheat is a twitter bot which can save the tweets which you feel are important. alongside this it also supports discord integration! this means after a quick set up, you can now automatically send the tweets which you feel are important straight to the discord text channel of your choice!
Submission Category:
Wacky Wildcards
Video Explainer of My Project!
you can understand how bookwheat was made and the which tools were used, by watching this YouTube video!
Language Used
BookWheat was made using python!
Link to Code
a twitter bot which can categorically save your tweets and supports discord integration!
BookWheat, The ultimate twitter bookmark tool
BookWheat is a Twitter bot that helps you save important tweets which are relevant to you categorically! it also supports discord integration, which means with a quick setup, you can now send important tweets to your favorite discord text channel!
Overview video!
Here's a short video that explains how BookWheat was made, and the tools it uses such as Redis,Tweepy,Heroku and Discord.py
How it works
How the data is stored:
the data is stored in the form of redis keys. each key stores the information related to a particular user the file db_methods.py has various methods to retrive the data and store it in a particular key, the bot stores the twitter handle and user id of the associated user, along side this it also stores the data of all the saved tweets of that particular user this data has the name of…
- Check out Redis OM, client libraries for working with Redis as a multi-model database.
- Use RedisInsight to visualize your data in Redis.
- Sign up for a free Redis database.
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