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Deploy a static (Next.js) website to AWS using AWS CDK & AWS console

Deploying a static website to AWS can be achieved by AWS S3 (Storage Service), AWS CloudFront (CDN Service), Route 53 (DNS Server) and Certificate Manager.

In this post we will guide you through deploying a static website on AWS using two methods. First, we'll cover the step-by-step process using the AWS Console which requires no coding skills. Then, we'll explore a more efficient approach using AWS's Infrastructure as Code (IaC) framework, the Cloud Development Kit (CDK).

We will simply uploading the HTML/JS/CSS content of our website to an S3 bucket and add a AWS CloudFront to host the bucket data, and finally create a certificate and configure DNS to route the domain requests to the CloudFront record.

Original Post

This approach offers several advantages in specific scenarios:

  1. Website loads very fast since it's all pre-build HTML files
  2. No need for a server side process to run to generate pages
  3. Static websites are much less prone to hacks, wordpress is notorious for this issue. This is ideal for business who need a simple website with few functions.

The static website can be a traditional multi-page site or a Single Page Application (SPA). SPAs load a single HTML page and dynamically update content as users interact with the app. To determine if an SPA suits your needs, consider factors like user experience, performance requirements, and development complexity.

Topics Covered in This Guide

  1. Create a NextJS static website
  2. Deploy the website using AWS console, then destroy it
  3. Redeploy the website using AWS CDK and then destroy it

Create a NextJs Webpage

First, lets create a NextJS project. Open a terminal and type:

mkdir frontend & cd frontend
npx create-next-app@latest
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then you will be presented with several options, choose the options as you see in the page here:

Need to install the following packages:
Ok to proceed? (y) y

✔ What is your project named? … test-frontend
✔ Would you like to use TypeScript? … No / Yes
✔ Would you like to use ESLint? … No / Yes
✔ Would you like to use Tailwind CSS? … No / Yes
✔ Would you like to use `src/` directory? … No / Yes
✔ Would you like to use App Router? (recommended) … No / Yes
✔ Would you like to customize the default import alias (@/*)? … No / Yes
Creating a new Next.js app in /Users/~/tmp_frontend/test-frontend.
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open the project in and editor or directly open the next.config.mjs file and set the output value to export, and set the distDir to dist:

/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
const nextConfig = {
  output: "export",
  distDir: "dist",

export default nextConfig
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then open the terminal and go into the directory where NextJs code resides. Then run

npm run build
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you should see the following text after building:

  ▲ Next.js 14.2.5

   Creating an optimized production build ...
 ✓ Compiled successfully
 ✓ Linting and checking validity of types
 ✓ Collecting page data
 ✓ Generating static pages (5/5)
 ✓ Collecting build traces
 ✓ Finalizing page optimization

Route (app)                              Size     First Load JS
┌ ○ /                                    5.25 kB        92.4 kB
└ ○ /_not-found                          871 B            88 kB
+ First Load JS shared by all            87.1 kB
  ├ chunks/23-bc0704c1190bca24.js        31.6 kB
  ├ chunks/fd9d1056-2821b0f0cabcd8bd.js  53.6 kB
  └ other shared chunks (total)          1.86 kB

○  (Static)  pre-rendered as static content
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this will generate a static version of the pages, you can actually do a quick text and run a webserver locally and server these files using live-server.

If you don't have live-server install the package globally via npm i live-server -g

Traverse inside the dist folder and run live-server.

cd dist
live-server .
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if browser doesn't open up automatically, open a browser and go to, then test the website make sure it runs. You should see this page in your browser:


Although a basic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript website would have worked, we chose NextJs for their efficiency. Despite seeming more complex for this example, this approach actually simplified development, reduced setup time, and offered advantages like automated builds, type checking and etc.

Deploying Website using AWS Console

This section covers deploying the website using the AWS Console. While not the recommended method, it's might be useful for understanding core concepts. Also
this method doesn't require you to know any coding knowledge.


  • An AWS account

Configure the S3 bucket

Open a browser and go to the AWS console, and login.

  1. Navigate to the Amazon S3 Service.

S3 Dashboard

  1. Click on the Create New Bucket option.

  2. In the Create Bucket page, under General configuration, select General purpose from the bucket options.

  3. Name your bucket something that you will remember, I have named it "temp-console-website", you could name it the same things to make following steps easier.

The name is crucial to remember, as we'll use it again when specifying the bucket Resource value in the next section. This ensures correct resource linking in later steps.

  1. In the Object Ownership section, select ACLs disabled.

  2. In the Block Public Access settings for this bucket section, uncheck the Block all pubic access, and make sure all the other four checkboxes have been unchecked as well. You will notice a yellow alert box popping up with the following message:

Turning off block all public access might result in this bucket and the objects within becoming public

  1. Select or check the I acknowledge that the current settings might result in this bucket and the objects within becoming public box.

  2. In the Bucket Versioning select Disable versioning.

  3. everything else should be set to default, select Create bucket

  4. This is an optional step, but to make things simple for us at the end where we need to destroy all resource, add a tag. Scroll down to the Tags section and add a tag by click on edit, and adding a new tag with the key value of temp-project.

Upload the files to S3

  1. Select the newly created bucket from the bucket list page. If you set the name to be "temp-console-website" then that will show up in the list.

  2. Click on the Upload button

  3. Select add files, then select all the files in the dist folder from the NextJs folder, and then click the Upload button to upload all the files. a progress bar will be displayed showing the upload progression. Once upload to the next step.

  4. Go to the Properties tab, then scroll down to the Static website hosting section and click Edit.

  5. Under the Static website hosting section select Enable.

  6. For the Hosting type select Host a static website

  7. There is an input field under Index document, enter index.html in that field.

  8. enter error.html for the Error document but this is optional.

  9. Click Save changes

  10. Go into the Permissions tab

  11. Scroll down until you see the Bucket Policy section. Click on the Edit button, then paste the following policy in there

      "Version": "2012-10-17",
      "Statement": [
          "Effect": "Allow",
          "Principal": "*",
          "Action": "s3:GetObject",
          "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::temp-console-website/*"
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  1. Click Save changes

The "temp-console-website" is the name I chose, if you have chosen a different name, then replace this value in the JSON object.

We've completed the S3 configuration. To view the website directly from S3, go to the Properties tab and scroll to Static website hosting. At the bottom, you'll find a URL under "Bucket website endpoint". The URL should look similar to this:

you should see the same NextJs page we saw when we ran locally.

Configuring DNS

In this section we will configure to point a domain name to this CloudFront distribution or our website.
If you already have a domain you purchased from a third party domain provider like GoDaddy, Namecheap,
Google domain etc you have to login and change some of the settings.

We will be moving back and forth between DNS, CloudFront and Certificate Manager in order to get this configured

First lets add the domain to AWS Route 53. Route 53 is a DNS service provided by Amazon. Lets add our domain. For this example I have a test domain named This is a domain I use to try and test different applications.

Go to the Route 53 page:
Route 53 Dashboard

  1. Click on the Get started button, and you will be presented with the following view:

Route 53 Dashboard

  1. Select the Create hosted zones option and click Get started

  2. In the Domain name field enter your domain name, ie, and then click Create hosted zone. Once done you will be presented with this page:

Route 53 Hosted Zone View

  1. Expand the Hosted zone details area by clicking on the triangle next to it. you will be presented with a few details. From that list, you need to copy the Name servers value and paste them in your 3rd party domain provider DNS provider. In your 3rd party domain provider, find where you can define custom dns servers and paste the values, which should look like this:
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For example, in namecheap this is the section where you define custom DNS values:

Namecheap DNS Config section

  1. Scroll down to the Tags section and add a tag and select the temp-project value.

Creating a Certificates

  1. Open a new tab or browser windows, and go to the AWS Certificate Manager or (ACM)

  2. Click on Request certificate

  3. In the next page select Request a public certificate

  4. In the next page, for the Fully qualified domain name enter your domain name, ie in our example

  5. In the same section click on add another name for the certificate and enter the same domain but add the the www subdomain to it. So for our example it would be then click Request

  6. In the next page, scroll down to where it says Domains, you will notice two CNAME values are presented - these need to be added ro your DNS entry so AWS certificate Manager can verify that the domain belongs to us. S we need to add those to the Route 53 entries and we can do that by clicking on the Create records in Route 53 in that same view (you can do this manually but AWS made things simple for us)

  7. In the next page, since we have been using the same domain name for our DNS values, AWS will filter the right DNS entries for us to select.

adding cnames to route53

Click the Create Records in Route53

  1. In the other tab, that has the Route 53 page open, verify the two new Route53 entries have been added to the record list

  2. After this, we need to wait for the status of this certificate to change from "pending validation" to validated. In the Certificate Manager page, check the value of Status. Once the status changes to "Issued" move to the next step.

  3. Scroll down to the Tags section and add a tag by click on edit, and adding a new tag with the key value of temp-project.

Configuring CloudFront

We have defined our DNS records and created our certificates, we would like to update the page so it points to a domain instead of the S3 generated URL. For that we need to setup a AWS CloudFront entry. CloudFront is a CDN service provided by AWS.

Go to the AWS CloudFront page

CloudFront dashboard

  1. Then click on the Create a CloudFront Distribution, the Create distribution page will show up

  2. In the Origin domain field or dropdown, click on the field and the dropdown list will appear. From that list select the S3 entry we created in the last part. If you picked the same name from this guide, it should look something like this:

  3. A pop should be displayed that says "This S3 bucket has static web hosting enabled. If you plan to use this distribution as a website, we recommend using the S3 website endpoint rather than the bucket endpoint." Click on the Use website endpoint button to do this.

  4. In the Web Application Firewall (WAF) section, select Do not enable security protections

  5. Do not change any of the other configurations, we will come back here to update the config once we define our domain and certificates but for now, go ahead and click Create distribution.

  6. Once distribution is done, you can copy the URL value under Distribution domain name and paste it in the browser. the value should look like something like this You should see the same page now as before

  7. In the Custom SSL certificate - optional field, select the certificate we just created.

  8. In the Alternative Domain names, add your domain name with and without the www subdomain, so essentially we are adding two values. In this example it would be:

CloudFront Deploying

Image description

It might be easier to open a secondary tab, and go to the CloudFront page and
check the name to make sure the value is the correct one.

  1. Scroll down to the Tags section and add a tag
    by click on edit, and adding a new tag with the key value of temp-project.

  2. click on Create records

Updating DNS

The last step is to update our DNS to point to the CloudFront CDN. With the certificates and CDN in place, we can add a record in our Route53 to our CloudFront dist.

  1. In the same Route 53 page, under the Records section click on Create record.
  2. For the Record Type select A - Route TRaffic to an IPv4 address
  3. Enable the Alias toggle
  4. For the Route traffic to select the Alias to CloudFront Distribution
  5. and then on the bottom selector, select the CloudFront distribution we created in the last step.

you can do the same once more but add the www subdomain as well.

We are done with out configuration, If you followed the steps exactly as described you should be able to go to your domain, (in our case and view your website.

Destroying all resources

As you can see, the steps involved to get this up and running are tedious, and error prone and most importantly not repeatable. You will also notice that destroying these resources suffer from the same problem as we have to manually go to each service and destroy individual services.

Before doing thing using IaC, lets delete/destroy all the created resources.

  1. Go to the Resource groups page
  2. Click Create resource group
  3. Select the Tag based
  4. Under the Grouping criteria enter temp project in the tag field
  5. Click Create group
  6. Then after creation, select the group
  7. On the group's detail you will see each resource listed.

Tag Groups

The order of the resource might be different for you, so lets go over each resource by type and describe how to completely destroy them - the order which you need to destroy resource is important since we have created dependencies between resources.

  1. Open the Route 53 resource on a new tab or window.
  2. Check the 3 Record that have the record Type A and the two CNAME's. DO NOT DELETE the NS and SOA records.
  3. close the tab, now open the CloudFront resource in a new tab
  4. Remember the distribution name, and go into the Distribution list view and select that item and click Disable
  5. Once Disabled, then click Delete

If the Delete option isn't available, it means that CloudFront is still propagating your change to the edge locations. Wait until the new timestamp appears under the Last modified column

  1. Close the tab, now open the S3 resource
  2. Select all files from the list and click Delete
  3. A new page is presented, which will ask for your confirmation, enter the text permanently delete in the bottom text box then click Delete objects
  4. Once deleted, click on the Buckets item to view the list of Buckets
  5. Select the bucket (should be named temp-console-website) and click Delete
  6. A similar confirmation page is shown, enter the bucket name in the text field to confirm bucket deletion and click Delete bucket
  7. Close the tab, now open the certificate manager view
  8. Click on the Delete. In the confirmation pop-up enter delete and then Delete again.
  9. close the tab, verify that all resource have been deleted from the resource group view
  10. If no other resource is left continue to the next section.

At the end of the next section you will see that destroying resources is a single command.

AWS Architecture

The AWS architecture of the network we just created looks like this.

AWS Architecture

we can show the traffic flow using the following UML diagram

AWS Traffic UML Diagram


By leveraging IaC, you can automate and replicate all the setup and configuration work typically done through the console. This approach significantly speeds up your website deployment process. It allows you to maintain both your website structure and content in code, enabling quick redeployment when you need to add a blog post or change content.

A key advantage of this method is its elimination of the need for a database to store and retrieve website content, or a server to render it. Instead, your entire site can be managed and updated directly through code. This approach simplifies maintenance, reduces costs, and improves scalability and performance and you can use a code subversion system like git to track all changes including the content.

Lets automate all of the steps we took using AWS CDK, which is an IaC or Infrastructure as code framework.
All the steps we performed manually it can be automated and also we can add logic as well so based on some condition, ie if it's a production deployment we can add a few other steps vs if it's a test deployment we can skip a few other steps.


  • An AWS account
  • Node.js and npm installed
  • AWS cli and cdk setup and configured
  • Basic knowledge in Javascript and Typescript

Setup, Code and Deploy

  1. Initialize a new CDK project:
mkdir temp-project && cd temp-project
mkdir infrastructure && cd infrastructure
cdk init app --language typescript
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in addition, move the frontend folder we created from the first section of the guide into temp-project folder.

  1. Replace the content of the file lib/infrastructure-stack.ts with:
import * as cdk from "aws-cdk-lib"
import { Construct } from "constructs"
import * as route53 from "aws-cdk-lib/aws-route53"
import * as acm from "aws-cdk-lib/aws-certificatemanager"
import * as s3 from "aws-cdk-lib/aws-s3"
import * as s3deploy from "aws-cdk-lib/aws-s3-deployment"
import * as cloudfront from "aws-cdk-lib/aws-cloudfront"
import * as route53Targets from "aws-cdk-lib/aws-route53-targets"

export class InfrastrucureStack extends cdk.Stack {
  constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: cdk.StackProps) {
    super(scope, id, props)
    const domain = ""
    const subdomain = `www.${domain}`

    // fetch route53 zone
    const zone = route53.HostedZone.fromLookup(this, "zone", {
      domainName: domain,

    // this will create a certificate
    const certificate = new acm.Certificate(this, "certificate", {
      domainName: domain,
      subjectAlternativeNames: [domain, subdomain],
      validation: acm.CertificateValidation.fromDns(zone),

    // viewer certificate
    const viewerCertificate = cloudfront.ViewerCertificate.fromAcmCertificate(
        aliases: [domain, subdomain],

    // bucket where website dist will reside
    const bucket = new s3.Bucket(this, "WebsiteBucket", {
      websiteIndexDocument: "index.html",
      websiteErrorDocument: "404.html",
      publicReadAccess: true,
      blockPublicAccess: {
        blockPublicAcls: false,
        blockPublicPolicy: false,
        ignorePublicAcls: false,
        restrictPublicBuckets: false,
      removalPolicy: cdk.RemovalPolicy.DESTROY,
      autoDeleteObjects: true,

    const distro = new cloudfront.CloudFrontWebDistribution(
        originConfigs: [
            s3OriginSource: {
              s3BucketSource: bucket,
            behaviors: [
                isDefaultBehavior: true,

    // s3 construct to deploy the website dist content
    new s3deploy.BucketDeployment(this, "WebsiteDeploy", {
      destinationBucket: bucket,
      sources: [s3deploy.Source.asset("../frontend/dist")],
      distribution: distro,
      distributionPaths: ["/*"],
      memoryLimit: 512,

    new route53.ARecord(this, "route53Domain", {
      recordName: domain,
      target: route53.RecordTarget.fromAlias(
        new route53Targets.CloudFrontTarget(distro)

    new route53.ARecord(this, "route53FullUrl", {
      recordName: "www",
      target: route53.RecordTarget.fromAlias(
        new route53Targets.CloudFrontTarget(distro)
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now deploy the stack

cdk deploy
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you will get a list of resource that AWS CDK will create based on our code
which is listed as such:

CDK Output

  1. Once deployment open the browser and go to the domain and view the page. That is it!

  2. And to destroy all the resources just run

cdk destroy
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  1. And enter y to confirm you want to delete. And that is it! all resource will been destroyed according to the dependency tree CDK keeps track of.

As you can see, this method requires more knowledge but triumphs the manual method for all cases.

Interested in learning more?

If you are interested in taking this to the next level, checkout our Serverless fundamentals class at where we go over in details explain what each service does, and actually create a dynamic application with user login and authentication.

Serverless Fullstack with AWS/CDK/NextJS & Typescript


Using CDK to deploy a static website to S3 provides a streamlined, code-based approach to infrastructure management. This method allows for version control, easy updates, and integration into CI/CD pipelines.

This is by no means a production configuration, This is the bare minimum config you need to upload your site - but for most small or medium sized business or personal websites, this solution is ideal.

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