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Jan Stamer
Jan Stamer

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Go for SonarQube

Static code analysis is a great and easy way to discover bugs, race conditions, code smells or to check whether code matches the coding conventions. I will motivate why it’s useful to use SonarQube for static analysis of Go code and show you how it’s done.

Go Vet

Go already ships with the tool vet which does static code analysis of Go code. To use vet just run go vet source/directory/*.go. Vet will perform various checks like detecting shadowed variables, nil function comparison and many others (see go doc cmd/vet for a full list) and list all violations. Vet is great because it performs many basic checks very fast.

Go Linters

Yet if we want to detect style mistakes, duplicated code or even check for security problems go vet is not enough. All these checks can be done by linters like Go Meta Linter or GolangCI-Lint. These are classic linters that perform static code analysis on go code and report their results in a standardized format. These linters can be integrated in editors like VisualStudio Code, Vim or GoLand. So, these linters perform in-depth analysis of Go code and can detect many kinds of violations. Depending on the linter configuration the linting can take a significant time in your build pipeline.

Static code analysis is also useful to calculate key metrics of your source code like lines of code or cyclomatic complexity. Combined with code coverage or unit test count these key metrics can provide a good first impression on the state of your source code. They can be displayed on a dashboard like atlasboard in your project for all to see.

But where do we get these key metrics from? Linters like Go Meta Linter can calculate most of the key metrics like cyclometric complexity. Other key metrics like code coverage of unit test count are calculated from the tests. That way we can calculate the key metrics during the continuous integration pipeline.

Are Linters not enough? Why SonarQube?

What if we want to know how the key metrics of our source code evolved over time? Have we been able to improve code coverage since the last release? How many lines of code do we add each sprint? Which components in our projects are the biggest?

That’s where SonarQube comes into play. SonarQube analyses source code using static code analysis, code coverage and unit tests over time. That way SonarQube is able to answer all the questions above. You see that version 1.0.0 had 1.562 lines of code with a coverage of 85%, whereas now you are at version 2.1.0 with 3.842 lines of code. If you look closer, you see that the package auth has grown the most. In SonarQube you see how your key metrics and your source code have evolved over time and over specific versions like shown below.

SonarQube results over timeSonarQube results over time

If you have a project or a company developing services in different programming languages, you have another benefit of using SonarQube for key source code metrics. SonarQube is able to calculate these key metrics for many different programming languages like Go, Java, C#, JavaScript and many others. That way you can calculate combined key metrics even for projects or companies which use many different programming languages. E.g. you your project overall has 12.346 lines of code with an overall code coverage of 76%. The JavaScript frontend has 3.704 lines of code which is round about one third of your Java backend.

Let’s see how we can analyze our Go code using SonarQube.

SonarQube for Go

To analyze Go code with SonarQube you need a running SonarQube. You can run SonarQube locally with docker run --name sonarqube -p 9000:9000 sonarqube. The Go plugin comes with SonarQube so no need to install it manually. Now you are ready to analyze your source code. For that we use the sonar-scanner tool provided by SonarQube, which needs a Java Runtime Environment. Next we need a configuration file for SonarQube named in the root of your project. The configuration file tells SonarQube which sources to analyze, the name and version of the project and where to find the test coverage. See an example below:



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Before you can analyse your code with SonarQube you need to run the tests and record the code coverage (e.g. with go test -short -coverprofile=bin/cov.out `go list./..|grep -v vendor/`). SonarQube will use the recorded code coverage.

Now you can run your first SonarQube analysis using sonar-scanner. Your code will be analysed and uploaded to SonarQube including the code coverage.


You find a sample project service_sonar with the full setup for SonarQube. In the sample project you can run the SonarQube analysis with make sonar. If you don’t have the sonar-scanner tool installed on your machine you can also use a dockerized version of the sonar scanner (see sample project). The dockerized version is a great fit for CI environments like GitlabCI.

All settings in the configuration file can also be provided using the command line. This makes sense especially for the SonarQube host and login. So in you CI pipeline you can run"" -Dsonar.login="**MY_TOKEN**".

The sample project also includes a configuration for Gitlab CI in .gitlab-ci.yml. The Gitlab CI pipeline performs a SonarQube analysis in the stage sonar. It expects the host and login for SonarQube in the environment variables SONAR_HOST and SONAR_API_TOKEN.

After running the SonarQube analysis you see the results in SonarQube:

Result of first SonarQube analysisResult of first SonarQube analysis

Overview of SonarQube resultsOverview of SonarQube results


We have learned how to statically analyse Go code using the build in tool vet, linters like Go Meta Lint or the SonarQube plugin for Go. All of these tools are capable of calculating key metrics of your source code.

SonarQube provides two benefits:

  • First it can track changes of your key metrics over time and by that provide useful insights on how your code quality is evolving.

  • Second SonarQube can analyse code in many different programming languages and so you can calculate overall key metrics.

So you should definitely give SonarQube for Go a try.

GitHub logo remast / service_sonar

Example for analyzing Go code with SonarQube (including Github Action).


Example for SonarQube with Go

Example on static analysis of Go code using SonarQube for the blog post Go for SonarQube.

Start SonarQube

docker run -d --name sonarqube -p 9000:9000 sonarqube

Run SonarQube analysis

docker run --rm --network host --mount type=volume,src="$(pwd)",dst=/opt/app,type=bind -w=/opt/app red6/docker-sonar-scanner:latest sonar-scanner -Dsonar.login=**SECRET**

Github Action

This project also uses Github Actions as documented in Scan your code with SonarCloud.

Code coverage is analyzed during the test and then reported to SonarCloud using upload-artifact and download-artifact.

This post originally appeared on medium.

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