I enjoy writing my blog posts, but it is getting better when you know that someone is reading them. The real magic happens when someone leaves a co...
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Hi, I made this project: github.com/MoscatelliMarco/stripe-... it's an npm package that simplifies building APIs using Stripe and mongoose, the package does all the annoying things that every developer hate, I hope you will help me with the project, thank for your time!
Thank you for sharing @moscatellimarco 🎉
I've already given a star to the project💪
It looks awesome, a very useful project for API developers!
I've never used MongoDB, so it's a good reason to start using it 🙌
Thank you for the star I really appreciated that <3, I have an article on how mongo db works dev.to/moscatellimarco/how-mongodb... maybe you will find this helpful
😮! Thank you very much, it's a great article 👏
I made this
It's a language reference book,that aims to collect information from people who speak the languages and have it all on one place, rather than textbooks
Hi @psypher1 👋
Thank you for sharing your open source project! 🤗
I enjoy the idea and I loved the cozy and easy to use interface!
I gave a star 🤩
Keep up the good work 👏
Thank you so much!
That was one of my goals - easy to use. I am glad I succeeded in that aspect. 😀
Absolutely! Right now I am searching for more people from all over who are willing to share what they know.
Thank you for the star 😃
Thanks for this @renanfranca. Currently implementing mine. However still having difficulty in running the workflows code.
Hi @mrpaulishaili 😀
I'm glad that post is helping you 👏
Which part of the workflow do you have difficulty with?
Feel free to ask questions, shared print screens, or shared the code. I am here to help you 🤓
You can access my repository (github.com/renanfranca/renanfranca/) and see how I set it up.
😊 Thank you @renanfranca, now got it fixed.
Went through your repo (an interesting one, I must say) and crosschecked my .yml file with yours to realize an apostrophe error I made!
Here's mine now 👉 github.com/mrpaulishaili
😊 👋
Those yaml files could quickly become a nightmare!😆
Nice job! You edited the welcome message! Stunning profile now! 🤓
If you are software developer, CTO or IT architect interested in topics:
Kindly join this Awesome and Interesting Project:
Thanks. Got a better profile now. github.com/codegino
You are welcome 🤗
I loved the animated 👋, I will copy and paste it on my profile 🤓
Thanks for sharing 😊
My pleasure! Excellent project which is easy to set up 🤩
Feel free to share some other projects here 👏
I gave the star!