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what i learned last week: setting up a spa using a javascript frontend & rails api backend

Disclaimer: If you are researching ways to set up a spa in your backyard this blog is not for you.

Approximately seven months ago I jotted down a couple of JavaScript coding notes into my favorite notebook. As I wrote down exotic words like "boolean" and "concatenation" my mind wandered and I smiled to myself. I had no idea where this journey was going to take me but I knew on that day there was no turning back.

...Review day for project 4 (I'm in the final weeks of coding bootcamp) is tomorrow and the below image is a great reminder to myself of how much I've grown these past several months.

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To pass the latest phase in Flatiron's Software Engineering program we were tasked with creating a single page application. I had a great time working on the scheduling program from the previous phase so I decided to continue building on that idea and work within the requirements of this project.


  • The application must be an HTML, CSS, and JavaScript frontend with a Rails API backend. All interactions between the client and the server must be handled asynchronously (AJAX) and use JSON as the communication format.

  • The JavaScript application must use Object Oriented JavaScript (classes) to encapsulate related data and behavior.

  • The domain model served by the Rails backend must include a resource with at least one has-many relationship. For example, if you were building an Instagram clone, you might display a list of photos with associated comments.

  • The backend and frontend must collaborate to demonstrate Client-Server Communication. Your application should have at least 3 AJAX calls, covering at least 2 of Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD). Your client-side JavaScript code must use fetch with the appropriate HTTP verb, and your Rails API should use RESTful conventions.


NOTE: Remember to VERTICALLY build your MVP!

Step 1. Plan, plan, plan then plan some more! Throughout my time at Flatiron I've discovered that drawing out diagrams that represent different aspects of programs I'm creating, including models and object relationships, is extremely beneficial.

Step 2. Create Rails API backend

  • Generate a new api Rails app rails new <my_app_name> --database=postgresql --api

Step 3. Build your models: rails g model <your_model_name> (Make sure you capitalize the first letter of the model name!)

  • Migrations
  • Model classes
  • Associations



Step 4. Add routes

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  # For details on the DSL available within this file, see
  namespace :api do
    namespace :v1 do
      resources :appointments, only: [:index, :create]
      resources :customers, only: [:index, :create]
      resources :hairdressers, only: [:index, :create]
      resources :services, only: [:index, :create]

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Step 5. Add Controllers

  • In your console run: rails g controller api/v1/<your controller_name>

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Step 6. Add Fast JSON API Serializer to backend

Serialization is the process whereby an object or data structure is translated into a format suitable for transferral over a network, or storage (e.g. in an array buffer or file format).

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  • Add gem fast_jsonapi to your Rails project's Gemfile and run bundle install
  • Create Serializer classes rails g serializer <your_resource_name>
  • Update Controller Actions

Code below is a public action in the Appointments Controller that retrieves appointment information from the DB and renders data utilizing JSON and a serializer

class Api::V1::AppointmentsController < ApplicationController
def index
appointments = Appointment.all
render json:

  • Add attributes to serializer

class AppointmentSerializer
include FastJsonapi::ObjectSerializer
attributes :datetime, :first_name, :last_name, :email, :hairdresser_id, :hairdresser


JS MANTRA: When some event happens, I want to make what kind of fetch and then manipulate the DOM in what way?

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Step 7. Create separate directory for frontend

  • add an index.html and index.js file to directory

Step 8. Connect API to front end

  • First, In the newly created index.js file I confirmed that the DOM was loaded.

The DOMContentLoaded event fires when the initial HTML document has been completely loaded and parsed, without waiting for stylesheets, images, and subframes to finish loading.

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
console.log("DOM Content Loaded")

  • Fire up your Rails API and confirm that the expected JSON data is present

class Api::V1::AppointmentsController < ApplicationController
# namespace of route

URL: http://localhost:3000/api/v1/appointments

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Final Product

Github Repo:
Github Repo:

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