
Cover image for Breaking-down & Building-up
Ricardo Maya
Ricardo Maya

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Breaking-down & Building-up

“Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it.” -Albert Einstein

I've started to work on a project with a friend and mentor of mine. We're using Trello to keep track of the progress, and details of the tasks on hand. So far it feels great using Trello! I have tasks to complete and being able to see the details of those tasks helps to keep me focused on what to do next with a sense of direction and purpose.

I received a lot of great advice on my last post about breaking things down " down to the point of almost trivial " as one person put it and so far, taking each task and completing it detail by detail, has helped immensely in my progress.

I'm getting stuck in some places where I feel like I shouldn't and, so far most of the work has been on building the skeleton for the project but, I'm more optimistic. I have a great network of support and since joining and reading other people's blogs about their journeys or what they've discovered has only enhanced that feeling. I look forward to getting unstuck some more.

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