Solana Raydium SDK Swap Example in TypeScript with Magic SDK
In this tutorial, we'll demonstrate how to perform a token swap on Solana using the Raydium SDK in TypeScript. Additionally, we'll show how to use the Magic SDK for signing transactions. We'll also include a method to convert SOL to lamports using Solana's web3.js library.
Ensure you have the following installed:
- Node.js and npm
- Magic SDK
- Solana web3.js
- Raydium SDK
Step 1: Install Required Libraries
First, install the necessary libraries:
npm install @solana/web3.js @raydium-io/raydium-sdk @magic-sdk/admin
Step 2: Import Necessary Modules
import { Connection, PublicKey, SystemProgram, TransactionInstruction, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, ComputeBudgetProgram, VersionedTransaction, TransactionMessage } from '@solana/web3.js';
import { Liquidity } from '@raydium-io/raydium-sdk';
import { Magic } from '@magic-sdk/admin';
Step 3: Setup Magic SDK and Solana Connection
Initialize the Magic SDK and Solana connection:
const magic = new Magic('YOUR_MAGIC_API_KEY', { // Replace with your Magic API key
extensions: [
new SolanaExtension({
rpcUrl: 'YOUR RPC URL', // Replace with your RPC URL
const connection = new Connection('YOUR RPC URL'); // Replace with your RPC URL
const wallet = magic.wallet; // Magic wallet instance
Step 4: Helper Functions
Add Priority Instructions (Optional)
You can omit this part if the makeSwapInstructionSimple
already has a builtin setup for priority instructions.
function addPriorityInstructions(instructions: TransactionInstruction[]): TransactionInstruction[] {
const modifyComputeUnits = ComputeBudgetProgram.setComputeUnitLimit({ units: 1000000 });
const addPriorityFee = ComputeBudgetProgram.setComputeUnitPrice({ microLamports: 1000 });
instructions.unshift(modifyComputeUnits, addPriorityFee);
return instructions;
Create Fee Transfer Instruction (Optional)
If you want to have a fee usage mechanism you can add the instruction that is returned in this function.
async function createFeeTransferInstruction(amount: number, feeWallet: PublicKey, userWallet: PublicKey): Promise<TransactionInstruction> {
const feeAmount = Math.ceil(amount * 0.0005);
const feeAmountInLamports = feeAmount * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL;
return SystemProgram.transfer({
fromPubkey: userWallet,
toPubkey: feeWallet,
lamports: feeAmountInLamports,
## Step 5: Perform Swap Transaction
Integrate the helper functions to perform the swap:
async function performSwap(
amountIn: number,
minAmountOut: number,
poolKeys: any,
userTokenAccounts: any,
feeWallet: PublicKey,
fixedSide: any
) {
const swapTransaction = await Liquidity.makeSwapInstructionSimple({
userKeys: {
tokenAccounts: userTokenAccounts,
owner: wallet.publicKey
amountOut: minAmountOut,
const recentBlockhash = await connection.getLatestBlockhash();
let instructions = swapTransaction.innerTransactions[0].instructions.filter(Boolean);
const feeTransferInstruction = await createFeeTransferInstruction(amountIn, feeWallet, wallet.publicKey);
instructions = addPriorityInstructions(instructions);
const versionedTransaction = new VersionedTransaction(
new TransactionMessage({
payerKey: wallet.publicKey,
recentBlockhash: recentBlockhash.blockhash,
instructions: instructions
const signedTransaction = await magic.wallet.signTransaction(versionedTransaction);
return signedTransaction;
Step 6: Example Usage
Call the performSwap function with the necessary parameters:
(async () => {
const amountInSOL = 1; // Example amount in SOL
const amountInLamports = amountInSol * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL;
const minAmountOut = 500000; // Example minimum amount out
const poolKeys = {}; // Replace with actual pool keys
const userTokenAccounts = {}; // Replace with actual user token accounts
const feeWallet = new PublicKey('YOUR_FEE_WALLET_ADDRESS'); // Replace with your fee wallet address
const fixedSide = {}; // Replace with actual fixed side information
try {
const signedTransaction = await performSwap(
console.log('Signed Transaction:', signedTransaction);
const signature = await connection?.sendRawTransaction(Buffer.from(swapTransaction.rawTransaction as string, 'base64'));
const recentBlockhashForSwap = await connection.getLatestBlockhash('finalized');
const confirmation = await connection.confirmTransaction({
signature: s,
}, 'confirmed')
if (confirmation.value.err) {
console.error('Error buying token:', confirmation.value.err);
console.log('Confirmed! Transaction ID:', `${s}`);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error performing swap:', error);
In this guide, we've shown how to perform a token swap using the Raydium SDK with the Magic SDK for transaction signing in TypeScript. We also included how to convert SOL to lamports and add a priority fee to your transactions. This approach ensures that your swaps are processed efficiently while also including a usage fee.
Top comments (2)
I've been trying to create two simple functions for about 4 hours now
1 - swapToToken(myWalletBs58, tokenAddress, 1 (SOL))
2 - swapToSolana(myWalletBs58, tokenAddress) //100% of tokens converted to solana
And I still haven't managed it, I must be really dumb
No you are not dumb solana is a pain to work with