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Amazon advertising types

1. What is Amazon advertising, and why do you need it 
Amazon has been steadily growing as both an e-commerce and an advertising platform. It enjoys a 2 billion visitors a month figure and happily expands to the mobile audience. Therefore, you can now attract an even larger number of customers to your listings, increasing your profit. You can achieve this organically or through Amazon PPC advertising(a type of advertising where you pay only when your ads are clicked). You simply can’t underestimate the importance of properly constructed and managed PPC campaigns.

For instance, a person selling beauty products and using Sponsoreds Amazon software achieved stellar results with their campaigns within a week. Total sales have increased 4x since the start of the week: from $3,736.00 to $13,338. The ad sales increased eightfold: from $1,367.00 to $9,526.00. The number of clicks has also expanded, showing a 362% increase. 

The above was reached via a 1000$ increase in ad spend. You can achieve similar results when using Amazon PPC with proper management software. 

2. Amazon PPC
When it comes to the Amazon ad types, there are three you can choose from: Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands and Sponsored Display. Here is some information on these types of Amazon ads.


2.1. Sponsored Products 
Sponsored Products is the most straightforward ad type you will encounter. It promotes the products in question to Amazon visitors searching for or viewing similar products. Every user can use Sponsored Products; hence, this is the most frequently occurring ad type, also providing the best ROI out of all types and being the easiest to set up.

2.2. Sponsored Brands 
Sponsored Brands is an ad type highlighting the brand logo, the custom headline, and up to three products of a single brand. Clicking on a brand logo on the advertisement redirects shoppers to a store or the advertiser's landing page. Conversely, when shoppers click on a product – they visit the product detail page.

There is also an option to feature a single product ad with a video ad, including the product image. By clicking on a video, Amazon visitors go to the product detail page.

Unlike the previous type, Sponsored Brands can only be used by Professional Sellers on Amazon’s Brand Registry or Retail Vendors.

The primary goal of Sponsored Brands type ads is to develop brand awareness. It is a perfect campaign to attract new customers and spread the word about a developing brand. Also, it is the only ad type featuring video ads on Amazon. 

2.3. Sponsored Display 
Sponsored Display is an ad type with product and category targeting that allows sellers to show the display to customers who have already seen similar products or the one advertised. Similar to Sponsored Brands, only Professional sellers on the Brand Registry or Retail Vendors can use this type. But, unlike the previous two types, Sponsored Display only has one targeting option: Product Targeting(meaning you can only target competitors’ ASINs). 

This type is primarily used to drive buyers away from competitors’ listings but can also play a defense strategy, shielding your listings from competitors’ ads. 

3. Amazon DSP 
Amazon DSP or Demand-side platform is one the only Amazon advertising formats that can engage off-Amazon audiences and redirect them to the platform. This type of advertising supports mobile banner and interstitial ads, text and video ads, images, etc. Here are some of the advantages Amazon DSP has:

  • Ad targeting with respect to geographic location, time of day or demographics
  • Better segmentation capabilities
  • More specific ad version for desktop and mobile users
  • A/B testing
  • Better ad frequency
  • You can include or exclude particular domains
  • Access to in-market audiences.

4. How to take your Amazon advertising to a new level 
Of course, creating Amazon PPC campaigns is only a first step; you’ll need to optimize these ads constantly. Why so? There are two explanations: the competition and ever-changing market conditions. Any PPC campaign's results largely depend on how optimized it is. Should you regularly skip optimizing your Amazon ads, you’ll fall behind, and all organic rankings you’ve previously acquired will slowly deteriorate. Luckily for you, Sponsored PPC management tools provide you with unique campaign structures, adjustable strategies and an easy-to-use interface, allowing you to master all Amazon’s ad types and make your Amazon business prosper. Sign up for a free 14-day trial of the Automation tool right now at 

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