DEV Community

Discussion on: Wisely Designing your React Components

rishadomar profile image
Rishad Omar

In your hook usePagination, why use a useReducer instead of useState?

mbarzeev profile image
Matti Bar-Zeev

Great question actually :)
As a matter of a fact I used the reducer to obtain control on the setCursor and do some validation for it (you can read more about it in details here:
After the comments here I went a little bit deeper and saw that it can also be done with useState (still not in the most elegant manner), and I updated my hooks package accordingly.
Thanks for the feedback!

ngamsomset profile image
Brian Ngamsom

According to the React Doc the useReducer is prefer over useState if you have a complex state logic or your next state depends on the previous one. The latter case is pagination.

finkrer profile image
Evgeny Zyrianov

Unfortunately this is not a good example of using a reducer. It could work for pagination, but you would place the next/previous/set logic inside of the reducer. In this case it's essentially used as useState.