Hello guys!!!
Recently I have riced my entire Linux Mint 20.1 XFCE using the i3-window manager. Developers mostly use upgraded ricing tools like the Awesome window manager for their ricing models. Ricing in Arch-based systems is comparatively easier than in Ubuntu-based systems. Although, I preferred i3-window manager as it is good for beginners and we get to build the ricing model from scratch.
My Ricing model is uploaded on YouTube on my friend's channel:
i3-riced model
The configuration file for the ricing model is uploaded on GitHub:
RitabrataDas343 / i3_Ricing
This is the repository containing the ricing configuration of the system. Please follow the steps of the README.md file in the repository to get the desired effect of ricing.
This is the repository containig the ricing configuration of the system. Please follow the steps of the README.md file in the repository to get the desired effect of ricing.
i3 is one of the most popular open source software that is used for ricing. 'Ricing' basically represents customizing desktop and enables multi-tasking tiling features and so on.
To install
$ sudo apt install i3
$ sudo apt install feh thunar rofi pavucontrol arandr i3blocks compton lxappearance
Logout of the window and on the login screen, you will get a white icon depicting the i3 window manager, select that and login.
On login, you will get to choose Win or Alt keys to be your Mod key. It is preferable to use the Win key but you can use the Alt key as well.
Now, you are good to go.
Patch the i3 folder from the repository and place it
âĻI hope you can try it and publish your ricing models too.
Other references:
Happy Ricing!!!
May the Source be with you đ§đ.
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