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PHP Functions every beginner should know.

PHP is one of the most popular languages for building websites. In fact, you probably used it today if you visited a Wordpress site or Facebook.

Here are a few useful built in PHP functions every developer should use more often.

1 - htmlspecialchars

The htmlspecialchars function is better than than using only using echo for one main reason: it prevents XSS. For example:


echo htmlspecialchars("<script>console.log('XSS!');<script>");
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2 - exec

This function allows you to run code on the command prompt or terminal, depending what OS you use to host/test. While this function is a bit more advanced, it is very useful. Example:


exec("mkdir files");
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Upon running this code, a folder will be created called files. This is a very powerful command, and user input NEVER be allowed in this function.

3 - header

HTTP headers are very useful online, they tell your browser what to do when a website is loaded. You can use PHP to set headers in seconds. This code will set the 302 Found header, creating a redirect to

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Upon viewing this with cURL, we can see it worked.
Alt Text

Note: The die() function is used to end the code, it is not necessary, but good to use to ensure no more code is executed after the redirect.

This is an example of a 404:

header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found");
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4 - file_get_contents

This function retrieves the HTML contents of a website. If you ever work with APIs in PHP, you will have to use this function quite a bit. This example gets and echos the HTML contents of

echo file_get_contents("");
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I hope you enjoyed reading and keep coding!

~ Riverside Rocks

Oldest comments (12)

fjones profile image

Some additions:
Avoid exec if possible! A great many use-cases have dedicated native wrappers for system calls (e.g. mkdir). Very rarely will you be forced to actually execute shell commands, and when you are, you'll have to struggle with the output of that shell call as well.

file_get_contents for HTTP requests is also best discouraged. It's great for local disk, but ext-curl provides a much better wrapper around curl.

phantas0s profile image
Matthieu Cneude • Edited

What a beginner should know is how to search effectively the documentation / on Google.

riversiderocks profile image

And how to use Stackoverflow

cchana profile image
Charanjit Chana

I had completely forgotten about htmlspecialchars(), would have saved me a lot of time had I read this yesterday morning :D

peter279k profile image

The yet another function about preventing XSS is htmlentities() :).

dawx profile image

You can set up local server

leohajder profile image
Leo Hajder

You can use PHP for CLI applications too.

leohajder profile image
Leo Hajder

... and all the mb_* versions of string functions. You might not even know you're deling with an encoding with multi-byte characters. Basically, if the normal string functions return wrong or strange results, try adding the mb_ in front of them.

leohajder profile image
Leo Hajder

I always start with the official docs. You can write php scripts and run them like php myfile.php with arguments, options etc.

riversiderocks profile image

If you use windows, download XAMPP:

If you use Linux, download Apache:
sudo apt-get install apache2

scorp13 profile image
vonbusing profile image
Miro von Busing

No. Don't try that at home.