Originally posted on www.riyadattani.com
I built my blog (www.riyadattani.com) from scratch, without a blog engine. I used Go to build it and some html + css to make it look pretty.
This is my first personal project in Go, in fact, its my first personal project on a live
website. Tweet me if you have any feedback whether its kind, mean or funny!
So I made the decision to make a blog in Go because it was different language to what I normally use at work (Node) and
when I was introduced to it, it felt fun and simple.
First attempt
Once the decision was made, the question was where do I begin? I surfed the web and looked for other desirable blogs. I gathered a list of my favourite features and thought I would figure out a way to replicate them. I wanted very cool
features like an animated background and an interactive interface such as a built in game. These features sounded
fabulous but in reality, they were a nice-to-have rather than necessary. Frankly, the more I thought about what my blog
should look like, the more I ventured further away from the purpose of the blog: to share articles. "Agile" developers
would say I envisioned a shiny gold standard website rather than a MVP (Minimum Viable Product).
I started building the Hello World
version of my site and I cheated a little by not writing any tests. Not very long after, I frantically searched for tutorials to get me these fancy features. I was directed to multiple plugins, I
read a lot of stack overflow and I spent most of my time searching for resources on google rather than coding... I
eventually got frustrated. Naturally, I didn't want to open the project anymore because I didn't really know what to do
and where to start.
I needed to go back to the basics and start simple.
On a fine Hackday, I was experimenting with Hotwire and Go with my colleagues. We built a simple todo list app with
basic CRUD functionality. Thanks to the fast, non-hassle set up to get a website up and running in Go, once the bare
bones were wired up, we iteratively fleshed out all the routes and basically built the app in a day. The simplicity
inspired me to start building my blog again. The process felt easy, simple and doable. I wanted to restart building it
using the same strategy and foundation.
Second attempt
Before my second attempt, I reflected on my previous approach/process and learned from my mistakes. Here were my
Remember the purpose of what I am trying to build. As a programmer, we should focus on WHAT, WHY and HOW we are
going to solve a specific problem.- What: I want to build a blog where I can share articles of topics that I am interested in and I am learning about.
- Why: I want to build a network and connect with people who have similar interests, share knowledge that other people might find useful and practice communicating through writing effectively.
- How: I made a decision to not use a blog engine and to build the blog from scratch in Go in an iterative way. Whilst a blog engine would easily achieve my goals, I would not have gained this invaluable learning experience.
Decide on the MVP: I wrote down 2 features which I think I need for my blog to be functional.
- A home page which has a list of my blogs in descending order by date.
- The blogs are links that open up on a separate page.
Write tests or you will regret it in the future.
- Go through Learn Go With Tests to learn how to test the code correctly in Go.
- What would be included in my acceptance test? Do I need one?
Have a process and develop it to be more systematic.
- Github Issues: I used these to keep a backlog of tasks, bugs and general thoughts that need doing especially when they crop up in the middle of something else.
Continuous Integration:
- I tried to apply some processes from work to make it as easy as possible to continuously integrate my code to the live site. I created a github action that builds and deploys the code, every time I push to master. I always work on master.
- I took this opportunity to learn more about docker. I used docker to build my code in a container and this is used by Heroku when deploying my site.
Don't bother following a tutorial. Figure out what you want to build in the simplest way possible. I started with a
hard coded blog list on the site and then aimed to replace it with non-hard coded blogs.
In retrospect, I would have still done things differently if I took another shot at creating this blog again. I guess
that's the best (or worst) thing about software development - nothing is perfect and there is always room to improve.
Looking back at my second attempt at building this blog, here is what I would've done differently:
- TDD it. No, I mean actually TDD it. Yes, I realised that writing no tests would hurt me in the future and make me less confident in my code, but I still did not strictly follow TDD. I added a couple of tests with respect to my router after writing it up and I realised I probably would've created a better solution if I had tested it first.
- Don't get obsessed over the CSS - this can be done over time. The perfectionist in me was running around in circles. Instead of focusing on the most important task, I wanted to make the site look pixel perfect.
- Get feedback on the code and the design as soon as possible.
In hindsight, building this blog has been a fantastic learning experience! I felt technically challenged and I learned about the process of creating a website from scratch to live.
Top comments (2)
Lovin' this Riya! :)
"Don't bother following a tutorial. Figure out what you want to build in the simplest way possible." - thanks for the advice! :)
Go sounds pretty cool; I'm mainly C#, but nowadays dipping my toes into some other things now :)
I can't wait to follow your learning journey :)
Ah thank you Kim!!! Really glad you enjoyed it π
Im hoping to write a more technical counterpart to this post so hopefully that will explore Go a bit more - I recommend giving it a go if you want to take a break from #C ;)
Thanks girl