Hi everyone,
This is a follow-up tutorial on my previous tutorial about Sending messages with Telegram bot. make sure you check that before follow...
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Hey buddy I need help regarding telegram bot development
I'm new to telegram bot development i have been stuck in one issue for 5 days and I can't figure it out It'd be great if you could help me pls
can you specify the issue ?
So basically I have an array i want to show elements from an array in inlineKeyboard buttons
I have explained it on stackoverflow:
Pls help
I'll take a look , and let you know .
Yes please
hope this helps
Thank you so much, sir. I have been stuck for one week on this issue. Thank you so much for resolving and providing a solution.
I tried myself but couldn't solve it. I googled it, asked so many peoples but no one replied, and finally, you solved it.
Again Thank you so much.
your welcome ✌
Hello Rajitha, I need to receive specific photos from Telegram to a Telegram widget on my site. I can pay $100 if you can help. I will have lots of other things to do after that. The chat ID i want photos from has lots of images, and i only want those with a word before them. Suppose there are photos of animals and i only want the ones with cats, so the sentence before has to start with "cat" . And it can only be from the Channel owner, not people who comment.
hi sami,
thanks for your offer but these days i am a bit busy , and not available for work .
Ok, thank you.
Hi Sami Folio, Is the issue resolved, or can we discuss further on it
can you state the error
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Thank you for your great post. Is it possible to send image in edit_message_text() or somehow append the image to it?
if you want to send image with a caption , you can use caption in parameter in
refer this documentation - core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendphoto
Can telegram bot store data? Of yes what about if I send a photo to telegram bot will it save it forever???? Or do they delete it .
Azt szertném tudni, hogy két fotoból tudna-e egy hiteles montázst készíteni ?