DEV Community

Robert Keller
Robert Keller

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Dad, Developer and continuously learning ?

The hassle is real - it can't be easy to combine a great rising career as a developer and a new grown family at once, or could it ?

If you expect to find the answer here - Sorry - got ya, you won't.

It is not as easy as a single answer or solution, and it is exactly what I'm currently experiencing.

How everything changed

At the 13th of march this year my first son was born.
It is the greatest gift and completes my family.

Now after some amazing but also confusing weeks I'm getting back to work life and answering myself more questions than ever before.

How goals transform habbits

I'm working as a developer now for some years and tried to increase my knowledge day by day.
I liked the cliché of the nerdy developer that is isocialized and lives in his own world. And - I kinda was one of this strange nerds.

During university, we didn't know about day - night cycle.
Whenever we created our side project, we created it until it was finished.
It was exactly like I thought developer life would be - long nights, no sleep, energy drinks and coding.
When I joined my company I tried to keep this habbits but with around 60% employees which have families it wasn't the same.
Now I did most of the learning and side projects at myself at home, and it was ok.

I always knew that one important habbit for guys in the tech industry - especially devs - is learning, learning, learning ...

And now I knew that all is about learning ...

New goals need old habbits

Now with a son and a wife, my complete view on my future changed:

  • Currently we live in the city in a flat - but I want my son to grow and rise out of the city with a house and a garden
  • I want to spend as much time with my son - not with hobbies and learning
  • But for my wanted future I need a save job
  • The save job is being a developer - because this is what I live for
  • And being a good developer is all about learning, learning, learning...

And there it is : a strange loop with, it seems, no solution ?

The Solution ?

Currently, I'm not sure about the solution and trying to use sleeping time of my family to keep learning.

I will keep you up to date, and maybe I could develop the number one recipe for being a great dad and a always evolving and learning dev.

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