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Arnab Chatterjee for CodeParrot

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Next.js vs Express: Which Framework Should You Use in 2024?

As web development continues to evolve in 2024, the choice of frameworks has never been more important. Two of the most popular choices are Next.js vs Express, each offering unique features and advantages for building modern web applications. Next.js, a full-stack React framework, is renowned for its seamless integration of server-side rendering (SSR) and static site generation (SSG), while Express, a minimalist server framework, excels in building fast, scalable APIs and backend services. With both frameworks playing a pivotal role in the development ecosystem, understanding their differences is crucial for developers aiming to make the best choice for their projects.

The purpose of this blog is to provide a detailed comparison between Next.js vs Express in 2024. We'll dive into their core features, use cases, and performance to help you decide which framework is the better fit for your next web application. Whether you're focused on creating a dynamic React-based frontend or a robust API, this guide will shed light on when to choose each framework.

What is Next.js?

Next.js is a React-based framework that simplifies the process of building modern web applications by providing out-of-the-box support for server-side rendering (SSR) and static site generation (SSG). Originally developed by Vercel in 2016, it was designed to enhance the development experience of React developers by offering a scalable and flexible environment for both frontend and backend tasks. In 2024, Next.js continues to be a leading choice for developers looking to build high-performance, SEO-friendly web applications.

One of Next.js's key features is its ability to handle both static and dynamic content seamlessly. It offers built-in API routes, which allow developers to create full-stack applications without needing a separate backend framework. The file-based routing system in Next.js further simplifies navigation, allowing developers to create routes based on the folder structure. Middleware support in 2024 allows for advanced functionality, such as authentication and caching, making Next.js a versatile framework for various web use cases.

Main Features and Use Cases in 2024

Next.js is known for its strong support for server-side rendering (SSR) and static site generation (SSG), two powerful techniques that optimize performance and SEO. SSR renders pages on the server and sends them to the client, which ensures faster page load times and better search engine indexing. SSG, on the other hand, pre-renders static content at build time, which is perfect for websites with mostly unchanging content.

Next.js also integrates deeply with React, making it ideal for developers who want to create hybrid applications that mix static, dynamic, and real-time data. For instance, e-commerce platforms, marketing websites, and blogs benefit greatly from this flexibility. The framework’s API routes and support for middleware in 2024 further strengthen its position as a go-to full-stack solution, while the addition of new performance optimizations, enhanced developer experience, and improved documentation continue to make it a top contender in web development.

What is Express?

Express is a minimalist and unopinionated server-side framework for Node.js, designed to build fast and scalable web applications and APIs. First released in 2010 by TJ Holowaychuk, it has since become one of the most widely used frameworks in backend development. Express is known for its simplicity and flexibility, allowing developers to create applications with minimal setup and maximum control. By 2024, Express continues to maintain its relevance due to its lightweight architecture, making it ideal for building robust server-side applications.

Express operates on a middleware-based architecture, where each piece of functionality, such as routing, logging, and authentication, is implemented as middleware. This structure gives developers the freedom to define exactly how data flows through their applications, providing granular control over every request and response. In 2024, Express remains popular for building APIs and microservices, thanks to its modularity and ease of integration with other Node.js libraries and tools.

Key Features and Capabilities in 2024

Express’s core strength lies in its unopinionated design, which means it doesn’t impose a strict way of doing things. Developers can structure their applications however they prefer, making Express extremely flexible for a wide range of projects. It is also incredibly lightweight, providing only the bare essentials to get a server running, with the ability to add additional functionality through middleware as needed.

In 2024, Express is widely used for building RESTful APIs and microservices due to its simplicity and performance. It allows developers to create fast, scalable server-side applications without unnecessary complexity. Its middleware-based architecture supports everything from basic logging and authentication to complex error handling and data processing. Express is also a popular choice for creating lightweight, backend-only systems that work in tandem with frontend frameworks like React or Angular.

While Express hasn’t seen many drastic changes in recent years, its stability and wide ecosystem continue to make it a go-to choice for developers. In 2024, trends like API-driven development, microservices architecture, and cloud-native applications have only furthered Express's relevance. The framework is frequently used with Node.js 18 and beyond, benefiting from improvements in the underlying platform, such as better concurrency and native support for ES modules.

Next.js vs Express: Core Differences

Architecture and Framework Type

When comparing Next.js vs Express, one of the primary differences lies in their architecture and framework type. Next.js is a full-stack framework built on top of React, providing developers with both frontend and backend capabilities in a unified environment. It is highly opinionated, meaning it comes with predefined ways to handle server-side rendering (SSR), static site generation (SSG), API routes, and more. This makes it an ideal choice for developers looking to build seamless frontend applications with built-in backend support.

In contrast, Express is a minimalist, unopinionated server-side framework designed specifically for building backend applications. Express provides developers with maximum flexibility, allowing them to structure their backend however they choose. While Next.js comes with a predefined setup, Express offers a blank slate, making it more suitable for building custom APIs, microservices, and backend services without dictating how the application should be structured.

Ease of Use

Next.js simplifies development with its file-based routing, where the structure of the project’s folders automatically translates into routes. This feature, combined with its SSR and SSG capabilities, reduces the complexity of creating modern web applications. Developers only need a basic understanding of React to get started with Next.js, making it relatively easy for frontend-focused teams to adopt.

Express, on the other hand, requires manual route configuration, meaning developers need to set up every route explicitly, giving them complete control over how the application responds to requests. While this flexibility is a key strength, it also introduces a steeper learning curve for beginners, as they need to understand middleware, routing, and the inner workings of the Node.js environment to effectively use Express.


When it comes to performance, Next.js excels in building dynamic and SEO-friendly web applications through its support for SSR and SSG. By rendering pages on the server or during build time, Next.js ensures faster load times, better SEO, and improved overall performance. Additionally, it can handle client-side rendering when necessary, offering a hybrid approach that adapts to the needs of the application.

Express focuses on backend performance, especially in building fast, scalable APIs and microservices. While it doesn’t handle frontend tasks like SSR or SSG, Express shines when used to create lightweight, high-performance backend systems that can scale horizontally to meet increasing traffic demands. Its minimalist nature ensures that it remains efficient and responsive, even under heavy load.


In terms of customization, Express offers unparalleled flexibility. Developers have full control over the backend, thanks to its middleware-based architecture. This makes it ideal for developers who need to implement custom logic, integrate third-party libraries, or create highly specialized APIs. Express doesn’t impose any structure, giving developers complete freedom to design their backend systems as they see fit.

In contrast,Next.js follows a more opinionated structure. It provides a predefined setup for routing, API handling, and SSR, which can speed up development but offers less flexibility when it comes to backend customization. For developers looking to build applications where frontend and backend are tightly integrated, Next.js’s opinionated structure is a benefit, as it handles much of the complexity automatically. However, for backend-heavy projects, Express provides more room for customization.

Comparison Table: Next.js vs Express

5. Comparison Table: Next.js vs Express

Feature Next.js Express
Routing File-based routing (automatic setup) Manual route configuration (custom)
Performance Optimized for SSR, SSG, and hybrid apps High performance for API-driven and microservices architectures
Scalability Scales well with static generation and caching Scales horizontally for API and backend systems
SEO Built-in SSR and SSG for better SEO Requires frontend support for SEO (not built-in)
Ease of Use Easier to start for React developers More complex setup but highly flexible
Customization Opinionated structure, less backend control Full control over backend and middleware architecture
Community Support Large, growing community with extensive support Mature community with extensive resources and tools
Use Cases Best for full-stack, frontend-heavy apps (e.g., e-commerce, blogs) Ideal for building APIs, microservices, and backend-heavy projects

### Which One to Choose in 2024?
When deciding between Next.js vs Express in 2024, several factors need to be considered, including the type of project, team size, and long-term goals.

  • If you're building a frontend-heavy application with a focus on SEO and user experience, Next.js is the better choice. Its server-side rendering (SSR) and static site generation (SSG) features make it perfect for projects like e-commerce platforms, content-heavy websites, and applications where performance and SEO are critical.

  • On the other hand, if you’re focused on developing a backend-heavy project such as an API or microservices architecture, Express offers more flexibility and control. Its minimalist design and middleware-based architecture make it ideal for building scalable, high-performance server-side systems, especially when paired with a separate frontend framework like React or Angular.

  • Team size also matters. For smaller teams or frontend-focused developers, Next.js offers a more streamlined development experience, with much of the complexity of setting up a backend already handled. In contrast, larger teams or those with a backend focus may prefer Express for the flexibility and control it provides.

  • Long-term goals play a big role in the decision as well. If you're looking to build a platform where high customization of the backend is needed, Express might be the better fit.


In 2024, both Next.js and Express continue to be powerful tools in the web development landscape, each serving different purposes. Next.js shines for frontend-heavy applications with built-in SSR, SSG, and seamless integration with React, while Express excels at creating fast, scalable backend solutions with full control and flexibility.

Ultimately, the right choice depends on your project’s specific needs—whether you require a full-stack solution or a lightweight, custom backend. To make an informed decision, we encourage developers to dive into the documentation for both frameworks:

Next.js Documentation

Express Documentation

Explore the details and see how they can best fit your development goals.

Top comments (6)

pengeszikra profile image
Peter Vivo

Express is much closer to core server programming, if you would like to use React or any other framwork SSR render then express is your friend. Create a serverless app on Vercel deffinetley the Nextjs is your friend.

mrrishimeena profile image
Rishi Kumar

Apple and Orange

shifi profile image
Shifa Ur Rehman

Vespa and chair

deadreyo profile image
Ahmed Atwa

It's like comparing pizza with cola.

vidhanshu_borade_ba1d76d4 profile image
Vidhanshu Borade

Stop using Chat GPT for writing blogs

giannifed profile image
Gianni Feduzi

react vite for frontend and nestjs for backend