DEV Community

Rogério Rodrigues de Alcântara
Rogério Rodrigues de Alcântara

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Git(Hub) Flow

Git Flow vs Github Flow

The main differences between the git flow and the github flow are:

  • Git flow is a branching strategy that involves multiple branches for different purposes, such as master, develop, feature, release, and hotfix. Github flow is a simpler workflow that only uses one main branch (master) and feature branches.

  • Git flow is suitable for projects that have a traditional release cycle, where releases are done periodically and require a lot of quality control. Github flow is ideal for projects that have continuous deployment, where changes are deployed to production as soon as they are ready.

  • Git flow requires more commands and steps to manage the branches and merge them back to the main branch. Github flow relies on pull requests and code reviews to ensure the code quality and mergeability.

  • Git flow has a clear separation between the stable code and the development code, which can help avoid conflicts and bugs. Github flow has a faster feedback loop and allows for more collaboration and innovation.


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