Just a quick note of a nifty VSCode feature to streamline the project's explorer view by nesting related files under a single parent file. This is done through the explorer.fileNesting.patterns
It’s a visual aid that keeps your workspace uncluttered.
How to Configure File Nesting
To configure file nesting, access your settings JSON file and add or modify the explorer.fileNesting.patterns
. Here's an example that nests common project files under package.json
"explorer.fileNesting.enabled": true,
"explorer.fileNesting.expand": false,
"explorer.fileNesting.patterns": {
"package.json": ".babelrc, .browserslistrc, .dockerignore, .editorconfig, .env, .eslintignore, .eslintrc., .gitignore, .graphqlrc., .nvmrc, .prettierignore, .prettierrc.*, README.md, babel.config.json, cypress.json, jest.config.ts, jest.preset.js, nx.json, package.json, tsconfig.base.json, tsconfig.json, workspace.json, yarn.lock, vercel.json, netlify.toml, pnpm-lock.yaml"
Benefits of File Nesting
- Cleaner Workspace: Reduces clutter by showing only relevant files at a glance.
- Improved Focus: Helps you focus on the files you are actively working on.
- Better Organization: Groups logically related files together.
Remember, you can always adapt the nesting patterns to fit your project's structure and your personal preferences.
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