I discovered recently that my website saw an abrupt, large drop in traffic from Google Search at the beginning of October of last year. When I look...
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So I checked mine out of curiosity since I haven't really added much to my blog in that timeframe and comparing Aug 2023 vs Nov 2023 I see -25% clicks (2k vs 1.5k)
But if you look at my chart for the last 16 months, May was a huge spike up for me for some reason (I don't think I changed anything on my side that I recall):
I consistently have a slight drop on Saturday, then a harder drop on Sundays.
Most of my posts are "Here was the error I got, here's how I fixed it" so my assumption is most people that read it are looking up the error they're getting at work during the week.
Its typical that traffic for tech content dips at the weekend because less people are working. You can see it is similar for my website. This reflect habits of people. Its the irregular macro trends that are harder to explain and may be down to changes in the algorithm, which is in May for you. On May 5th, Google started to enforce a new site reputation abuse policy, this may have contributed.
There is certainly a degree of chance to all these
Idk about chance, but there's a lot more small details that matter in making the numbers and flow than just the Google search algo.
I'm sharing this statistics from my blog so we can have a more broad view of the impact on google's algorithm:
By the way, I just visited your blog, and I'm reading some of the articles, good content :) I hope you keep posting.
Thanks for sharing Eduardo. You need be careful comparing statistics, especially between analytics providers. For example, some analytics providers get blocked more by adblockers and it skews results! Its best to compare the same source like Google Search Console, and try to identify factors that may influence variations numbers between websites.
Thanks for the compliment about my blog. I will continue to post but it is not something I will pursue for income!
You're right, even though my image is from google analytics the results can vary, here it goes, an screenshot from google search console, even though that awesome peak around march the downtrend continued, it appears I'm recovering, slowly but steady, even though I haven't done any major update to my site.
I feel you, I don't have any ad on my site, just a couple of affiliate links, I write about tech mostly to network and meet other developers.
I'll keep in touch.
I would say probably. Also, I think it's time for a new search engine for us dev's and engineers since we're typically looking for open source type information. It would be ideal if there was a new search engine who addressed and also did not include paywall sites in the direct results.
I agree. People like us should get together and create one. That would be sick
Definitely, I like that idea :-D
It's interesting, because I've been wanting to publish a post that narrates something similar for a while. I don't know what´s the case is in other latitudes, but at least here in Venezuela Google has long since ceased to be a reliable source of information. I remember at one time it gave a fairly high number of relevant results to any search, and now it is limited to trying to sell you some portable memory, some new technology or whatever comes to mind, but the truth is that already in the first 10 results comes a load of advertising and normally after one 15 sometimes much less stop being relevant results
It is worrying, because one can feel an interest of the giant in hiding valuable information and thus making knowledge just another market product. Another worrying thing is that in any "smart" TLF comes by default a Google application that not only spies on you, but also if you take on the task of deleting it. You find that one is almost impossible and two your phone just doesn't work properly when you disable it
I think we already have enough borders to manufacture more virtually, it seems to me that we are in time to join forces as thinking beings, to avoid not only a communicational wall, but the privatization of knowledge. Knowledge is universal, transmitting it and acquiring it is the way we have to emancipate ourselves and evolve as thinking beings. I think Google should Indemnification the general population for the way it makes use of advertising and information, skewing much of reality.
Many are unaware that a selfish can mean sending metadata hidden in the file.jpg with your location. It may seem like a trivial or unimportant fact, but when there is a whole marketing network determined to capture you for some of their brand new needs of the day to acquire. And the need for a market and a system of governments call it the Deep State or whatever you want, to maintain world control and a population focused on survival or make money to survive.
It can be a risk to life, be an environmental activist or be in search of social vindications and have an application that sends your location every so often, seconds? It is an interesting topic, because in the same way that Google hides small sites that have no relation to its commercial interests, in some way it contributes to what is consumed by the majority of the masses, which often does not go beyond sex, football, politics and religion... by unknowing other windows that could broaden their perspective and provide new nuances.
I think they owe more respect to us, and some money too…
Intresting article, for real!! I hope google at one point will step out. We have created an analytics system to go against google monopoly, open-source, and completely transparent!
Find our repo here.
Antonio, CEO & Founder at Litlyx.com