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try-except in Python

Hello! Today we will learn how to use the try-except statements. Here is a scheme of how try-except works:

    # This code tries to execute, but if there's an error, stop execution
except <err_name>:
    # This code will get executed if the try block fails to execute
else:   # Optional
    # This code executes after the try block, only if try block doesn't return an error
finally:   # Optional
    # This code will always get executed
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Also, you will need to replace with the error you want to catch. Ok, so let's see an example:

i = input()

    i = int(i)
    print(f"Your number: {i}.")
except TypeError:
    print("Your input isn't a number!")
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if we input 6673 we will get:

Your number: 6673.
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With that, Goodbye and have a nice day!

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