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Roman Rezinkin
Roman Rezinkin

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DPS909 - Lab 6


For this lab, we got to explore an open source static site generator, created by Facebook... or Meta now? Anyways...


Docusaurus is an amazing open source static site generator that is packed with many cool features. It allows for the creation of truly epic websites. Our goal for this lab was to learn about the features of Docusaurus, and try to implement some of its features into our own static site generators!

My Example of Docusaurus

Here is my Docusaurus example:
This is hosted via Github Pages, so feel free to look around :)

The Features I Implemented into my own Static Site Generator

Feature 1

Feature 1 Issue
The first feature that I wanted to implement was an entire conversion for my markdown reading engine. Instead of using my homemade "masterpiece", we had the option of using an open source markdown engine to handle all of our markdown syntax... So you might be asking why? Well, by implementing this markdown engine, I have full access to all the syntaxes that markdown has to offer. So instead of only being able to handle the h1, I can now handle everything!
My implementation could be found here.

Feature 2

Feature 2 Issue
The second feature that I wanted to implement is the themes feature. By allowing the user to specify what background theme they want for their experience, I can modify the custom css to match their needs.
The implementation could be found here: Link.


Overall, I had a great time developing these two new features, and I am most excited about the markdown engine that is capable of handling every type of markdown syntax! For the next steps, I would like to better implement my Themes portion to make it more intuitive, and allow for a great selection, rather than dark mode or regular.

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