I made a post about this library about a year ago when I published the first version, I have now updated the library with some code improvements and made it more "scalable" and easier to use than it was before from the feedback I got.
This post follows a technical walkthrough style to showcase some of the features.
Link to Github Repo
This is an ionic-angular component library to simplify and eliminate some redundancies of building forms when developing ionic apps.
Features (Current Version)
- Email Validation
- Password Validation
- Credit Card Validation (With support for detecting card type)
- Implement Your Own Submit Button
- Ionic FormFieldTypes included
- ion-input
- ion-textarea
- Use Official Ionic Icons
Usage Example Output

In your project root, run
npm i ion-custom-form-builder@latest
Usage Example
Lets walk through a getting started example that will show you how to setup the component in your project
import the module in your top level *.module.ts file
import { IonCustomFormBuilderModule } from 'ion-custom-form-builder';
imports: [
Now in your *.page.html file add
Head over to your *.page.ts file and add
import { FormField } from 'ion-custom-form-builder';
import { Validators } from '@angular/forms';
fields: FormField[] = [];
constructor() {
this.fields = [
icon: 'mail',
type: 'email',
title: 'Email',
formControlName: 'email',
validators: [Validators.required,],
validationMessages: [
type: 'required',
message: 'Email is required'
type: 'email',
message: 'Email is incorrect'
icon: 'lock-closed',
type: 'password',
title: 'Password',
formControlName: 'password',
validators: [Validators.required],
validationMessages: [
type: 'required',
message: 'Password is required'
onIonCfbFormSubmission(formData) {
console.log('FORM_DATA=,', formData);
Serve your app to see it in action
ionic serve
Advanced Features
- Password Validation
- Credit Card Validation
- Implement Your Own Submit Button
Working with passwords
Usage Example Output

The ion-form-builder component provides you with an elegant way to validate passwords by doing the following
Password Validation Usage Example
Head over to your *.page.ts file and add
In your .page.ts file , create **FormField* array objects with formFieldType of 'password' & 'confirm-password'
import { FormField } from 'ion-custom-form-builder';
import { Validators } from '@angular/forms';
fields: FormField[] = [];
constructor() {
this.fields = [
icon: 'lock-closed',
type: 'password',
title: 'Password',
formControlName: 'password',
validators: [Validators.required],
asyncValidators: [this.passwordValidator],
validationMessages: [
type: 'required',
message: 'Password is required'
type: 'passwordValidator',
message: 'Passwords do not match'
icon: 'lock-closed',
type: 'password',
title: 'Confirm Password',
formControlName: 'confirm-password',
validators: [Validators.required],
asyncValidators: [this.confirmPasswordValidator],
validationMessages: [
type: 'required',
message: 'Please confirm your password'
type: 'confirmPasswordValidator',
message: 'Passwords do not match'
* Validates password against password confirmation
* @param {AbstractControl} control
* @return {*} {Promise<any>}
passwordValidator(control: AbstractControl): Promise<any> {
if (!control.parent) {
return Promise.resolve(null)
}else if (control?.parent.get('confirm-password')?.value && control?.value !== control?.parent.get('confirm-password')?.value) {
control.markAsTouched({ onlySelf: true });
return Promise.resolve({ passwordValidator: { valid: false } });
}else {
if (control?.parent.get('confirm-password')?.invalid) {
control?.parent.get('confirm-password')?.updateValueAndValidity({ onlySelf: true });
return Promise.resolve(null)
* validates password confirmation against password
* @param {AbstractControl} control
* @return {*} {Promise<any>}
confirmPasswordValidator(control: AbstractControl): Promise<any> {
if (!control.parent) {
return Promise.resolve(null)
}else if (control?.parent.get('password')?.value && control?.value !== control?.parent.get('password')?.value) {
control?.parent.get('password')?.updateValueAndValidity({ onlySelf: true });
return Promise.resolve({ confirmPasswordValidator: { valid: false } });
}else {
control?.parent.get('password')?.updateValueAndValidity({ onlySelf: true });
return Promise.resolve(null)
Credit Card Validation
ion-custom-form-builder comes with the ability to validate credit cards thanks to Payform Library
Usage Example Output

Credit Card Validation Usage Example
First you need to add the following in the assets array of your angular.json file, this will map library's
assets to your project assets folder
"architect": {
"build": {
"options": {
"assets": [
"glob": "**/*",
"input": "node_modules/ion-custom-form-builder/src/assets",
"output": "assets"
In your .page.ts file , create a **FormField* array object with a formFieldType of 'credit-card'
fields: FormField[] = [];
constructor() {
this.fields = [
type: 'number',
title: 'Card',
formControlName: 'card',
formFieldType: 'credit-card',
validators: [Validators.required],
validationMessages: [
type: 'required',
message: 'Credit card number is required'
Serve your app again to see the changes
ionic serve
Implement Your Own Submit Button
You are able to implement your own submit button in case you want content in-between your form and submit button
In your *.page.html file where you put the ion-custom-form-builder component ..
<ion-button expand="block" color="primary" (click)="onClickMyOwnSubmitButton()">
Then in your *.page.ts file import the IonCustomFormBuilderService..
import { IonCustomFormBuilderService } from 'ion-custom-form-builder';
private ionCfbService: IonCustomFormBuilderService
) {
* Triggered by the form submission event
* @param {*} formData
onIonCfbFormSubmission(formData) {
console.log('FORM_DATA=,', formData);
* Trigger form submission using IonCustomFormBuilderService
onClickMyOwnSubmitButton() {
Top comments (2)
Yeah, nice one!
thanks that is very cool