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100 days of coding - Day 2

okay, for this day I do

1. Strings

Different waves to print and format your code.
P, print, puts.
String operations: + (concatenation), .length, and

**What is the index of g in the string "coding"?
**What will "Hey-Programmers".length < 5 evaluate to?
**What will "coding"[2] evaluate to?

2. Variables


Predict what the following puts lines with question marks will print out

num = 40
num + 5
puts "---1:"
puts num # ?

num += 2
puts "---2:"
puts num # ?

isEven = num % 2 == 0
puts "---3:"
puts isEven # ?

isNegative = num < 0
puts "---4:"
puts isNegative # ?

puts "---5:"
puts isEven || isNegative # ?

puts "---6:"
puts isEven && isNegative # ?

puts "---7:"
puts isEven && !isNegative # ?

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