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Mohamed Mokhtar
Mohamed Mokhtar

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The Secret of Apache AGE

The Secret of Apache AGE: Coming from AgensGraph

Apache AGE is an open-source database management system that has gained popularity in recent years for its ability to seamlessly integrate graph and relational data models. But what many people may not know is that Apache AGE is actually based on another database management system called AgensGraph. In this blog post, we'll explore the secret of Apache AGE and how it is coming from AgensGraph.

Introducing AgensGraph

AgensGraph is a multi-model database management system that was developed by Bitnine, a South Korean software company. It was released in 2017 as an open-source project and quickly gained popularity for its ability to support both graph and relational data models.

AgensGraph is built on top of PostgreSQL, which means that it inherits many of PostgreSQL's features and capabilities. However, AgensGraph adds support for graph data structures and operations, which makes it an ideal choice for applications that need to work with complex data relationships.

The Birth of Apache AGE

In 2020, Apache AGE was created as a fork of AgensGraph. The goal of Apache AGE was to provide a high-performance, open-source database management system that supports both graph and relational data models.

One of the key advantages of Apache AGE is its ability to seamlessly integrate graph and relational data models. This is achieved through the use of a SQL-based query language that supports graph traversal, as well as a wide range of relational operations.

Apache AGE also leverages the Apache Arrow data structure to achieve high performance and scalability, even with large datasets. Apache Arrow is a cross-language development platform that allows for the efficient exchange of data between different systems and applications.

The Secret of Apache AGE

So what is the secret of Apache AGE, and how is it coming from AgensGraph? The answer lies in AgensGraph's ability to support both graph and relational data models.

AgensGraph's support for graph data structures and operations, combined with its PostgreSQL heritage, gave it a unique advantage in the database management space. By building on top of AgensGraph, Apache AGE was able to leverage these advantages and create a high-performance, flexible database management system that is well-suited for a wide range of applications.

In addition, the close relationship between Apache AGE and AgensGraph means that users of Apache AGE can benefit from the ongoing development and innovation of AgensGraph, as well as the support of the wider open-source community.

How Apache AGE integrates graph and relational data models?

Apache AGE is designed to seamlessly integrate graph and relational data models, which allows users to work with complex data structures and relationships. The key to this integration is the use of a SQL-based query language that supports graph traversal and relational operations.

In Apache AGE, graph data is stored using a property graph model, which consists of nodes, edges, and properties. Nodes represent entities in the graph, such as people or locations, while edges represent the relationships between those entities. Properties are key-value pairs associated with nodes and edges, which can be used to store additional information about the entities and relationships.

Relational data, on the other hand, is stored using tables and columns, similar to a traditional relational database. Apache AGE supports standard SQL syntax for querying and manipulating relational data, which allows users to easily work with relational data alongside graph data.

To integrate graph and relational data models, Apache AGE extends SQL with graph traversal operators. These operators allow users to navigate the graph structure and perform operations such as finding paths between nodes, filtering nodes and edges based on their properties, and aggregating data across the graph.

For example, let's say we have a graph of people and their relationships, as well as a table of events that those people have attended. We could use an Apache AGE query to find all of the people who have attended events related to a particular topic, like this:

FROM person, events_attended, event
WHERE = events_attended.person_id
  AND events_attended.event_id =
  AND event.topic = 'Technology'
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In this query, we're joining together the person, events_attended, and event tables using standard SQL syntax. However, we're also using the graph traversal operators to navigate the relationships between people and events, and to filter the results based on the topic of the event.

Overall, the integration of graph and relational data models in Apache AGE allows users to work with complex data structures and relationships in a flexible and powerful way. Whether you're working with social networks, financial data, or any other type of complex data, Apache AGE can help you make sense of it all.

Common use cases for Apache AGE

Apache AGE is a powerful and flexible database management system that can be used for a wide range of applications. Here are some common use cases for Apache AGE:

  1. Social Network Analysis: Apache AGE is well-suited for analyzing social networks, where the relationships between entities are represented as a graph. By leveraging its graph traversal capabilities, Apache AGE can help users identify patterns and trends within social networks, as well as detect anomalies and fraud.

  2. Financial Fraud Detection: Apache AGE can be used to detect financial fraud by analyzing transaction data and identifying patterns that may indicate fraudulent activity. Its support for both graph and relational data models makes it an ideal choice for analyzing complex financial data, such as transaction histories and account balances.

  3. Recommendation Engines: Apache AGE can be used to build recommendation engines that provide personalized recommendations to users based on their preferences and behavior. By analyzing user data and building a graph of relationships between users and items, Apache AGE can generate recommendations that are highly relevant and personalized.

  4. IoT Analytics: Apache AGE can be used to analyze data from IoT devices, such as sensors and smart meters. By building a graph of relationships between devices and analyzing the data in real-time, Apache AGE can help users identify patterns and anomalies that may indicate equipment failure or other issues.

  5. Network Analysis: Apache AGE can be used to analyze network data, such as traffic flows and network topologies. By building a graph of relationships between network devices and analyzing the data in real-time, Apache AGE can help users identify bottlenecks, anomalies, and security threats.


In conclusion, the secret of Apache AGE is its close relationship with AgensGraph, a powerful and flexible database management system that supports both graph and relational data models. By building on top of AgensGraph, Apache AGE was able to create a high-performance, open-source database management system that is well-suited for a wide range of applications. If you're looking for a flexible, powerful database management system that can handle complex data structures and relationships, Apache AGE is definitely worth checking out.

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