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Resolving path alias in nestjs projects

Rubin on September 02, 2019

Building a nestjs project in typescript is really awesome but as the project starts to grow , your directories will grow too thus making your impor...
mohiuddinakib profile image
mohammad mohiuddin mostafa kamal akib

import * as path from 'path';
import * as moduleAlias from 'module-alias';

'@src': path.resolve(dirname),
'@interfaces': path.resolve(
dirname, 'interfaces'),
'@modules': path.resolve(__dirname, 'modules'),

at top of the main.ts will work

duongdev profile image
Dương Đỗ

Thanks, this helps me better.

durchanek profile image

The first solution worked for me like this:

const TsconfigPathsPlugin = require('tsconfig-paths-webpack-plugin');

module.exports = {
  webpack(config) {
    config.resolve.plugins.push(new TsconfigPathsPlugin());
    return config;
rubiin profile image

thanks for sharing

hamidjafari profile image
hamid jafari

thankkkk youuu
you saved my day :)
after some truble doing absolute path with ts i was about to forget about absolute path and come back to old relative paths :x
until i found your article
thank you <3

rubiin profile image

Any time.i had the same trouble so I wrote this article for those in need

raychz profile image
Ray Chavez

Great tutorial, Rubin! I've followed everything here, but I'm now running into an issue where Nest cannot resolve the dependencies if I import a class that is within the same directory using the tsconfig path alias. I opened up an issue with Nest, but I wonder if there's just something I'm not doing right. Issue here:

Nest dependency resolution issue with tsconfig paths and same directory imports #2897

raychz avatar
raychz commented on Sep 06, 2019

Bug Report

NOTE: This is not a duplicate of #986 as I am already using tsconfig-paths-bootstrap.js.

Current behavior

I've set a few different paths in tsconfig.json to make importing of controllers, entities, services, etc. easier to deal with. Relevant portion of tsconfig.json:

    "baseUrl": "./src",
    "paths": {
      "@hello/controllers": [
      "@hello/entities": [
      "@hello/services": [

I've also created barrel files (index.ts) within the src/controllers/, src/entity/, and src/services/ directories that re-exports all of the classes that I need from within those directories.

Everything works as expected when importing a service from a file that is within my controllers directory. Example:

// src/controllers/comment.controller.ts
// This works
import { CommentService } from '@hello/services';

export class CommentController {...}

Things do NOT work when importing a service from another service file that is within the same directory. Example

// src/services/comment.service.ts
// This does NOT work
import { StoryService, UserService } from '@hello/services';
// StoryService, UserService, and CommentService are in the src/services directory 

export class CommentService {...}

The error that I get when doing the above is:

Error: Nest can't resolve dependencies of the CommentService (?, +). Please make sure that the argument at index [0] is available in the AppModule context.

Expected behavior

I expect dependencies to resolve using a path defined in tsconfig.json, even if they're being imported from within the same directory.

Possible Solution

My current workaround is to import the files using relative paths:

// src/services/comment.service.ts
// This does work
import { StoryService } from './story.service';
import { UserService } from './user.service';
// I'd prefer to do this:
// import { StoryService, UserService } from '@hello/services';

export class CommentService {...}



rubiin profile image

Also I would recommend to skip barrel if you are using path aliases because they do kind of the same thing. Also You could achieve a folderwise import with dir/* so there is no point in using it with path

rubiin profile image
Rubin • Edited

Its possibly an module import problem. Make sure to import the corresponding modules if you are using the services. Do check if you are missing an import

tkssharma profile image
import * as path from 'path';
import * as moduleAlias from 'module-alias';

'@src': path.resolve(dirname),
'@interfaces': path.resolve(dirname, 'interfaces'),
'@modules': path.resolve(__dirname, 'modules'),
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is this the only way to do this ??
i want to remove ../../../../../ stuff in my code !!

ofuochi profile image

Please how can I get this working on test? I'm still getting the error when running unit/integration tests

davychhouk profile image

Good job. Save me hours :)

crazyoptimist profile image

Thank you.