DEV Community

Arun Veluri
Arun Veluri

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Famous last words

Hello, Namaste, Ola, Bonjour, Konnichiwa, Guten Tag, Ciao.

These words greet me every morning as I leave my one year old at his creche every morning. After almost 18 months of watching my son grow up around us, it feels a little strange that he’s going to be spending almost 8 hours a day away from us.

8 HOURS !!

What I’ve kind of become good at, over the past 18 months, is to squeeze 8 hours worth of work into 4. Every minute we were not attending to him, we were hard at work.

This invariably leaves me with an hour or two to work on my interests.
So the question now is, do I resurrect my old side projects or learn something new and add to my side-project-cemetery ?

My old side projects, while interesting, and definitely had potential to become something more than they did, but as they say, necessity is the mother of all invention, mine have outlived their necessity and purpose, for now.

I’ve always wanted to create multi-platform apps and game development, in general. So I took the plunge, bought some study material, to learn Unity & C#, and I’m now an aspiring game dev ! (with a little bit of Xamarin on the side)

I’m quite certain I will not make any money in this brutal, competitive world of indie games, but I’d be able to add a couple of things to my repertoire.

And art ! I need to find someone to do my art ! But that’s for another day. Baby steps !

So here goes nothing !

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