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Sadiqur Rahman
Sadiqur Rahman

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The Miracle Morning: 6 Morning Habits to be Successful

Photo by Sergei A on Unsplash

I was listening to a podcast by Hal Elrod. He explained 6 killer habits that would transform a person. Once I was applying a few of those rules in my daily life and I know for sure that, it works perfectly.


S - Silence (Meditation, Tefekkür). Set the mindset for the goals of the day. As you are being silent, you can use a timer too. Don't read, don't listen to anything, just sit and think. Find a balanced posture between relaxation and alertness. These ten minutes will transform your day to be more effective and more productive, not just another busy day!

A - Affirmation. Be affirmative about the things that you are willing to achieve. Think of the things that you are committed to doing. You could be committed to running every day or to becoming a millionaire or saving 50% or entering a big company. Remind yourself what you are committed to. While being affirmative, think about these four points;

  1. What are you committed to?
  2. Why is it deeply meaningful to you?
  3. What activities are you committed to doing that will lead to success?
  4. When specifically are you committed to doing those activities?

This will raise awareness and make you a real doer.

V - Visualize. Visualize yourself doing the activities with great motivation. Imagine yourself wearing shoes and going outside. And imagine yourself running with great motivation. Imagine yourself doing all the hard work and finally being rewarded with achievements. All the great athletes visualize themselves working hard and achieving their goals.

E - Exercise. Exercise in the morning even if it is for sixty seconds. Even if you go to the gym in the evening, a very short period of exercise will energize you and give you a great start to the day. There are many apps that let you exercise from home. One example would be "Seven minutes Exercise".

R - Read. All of us are in some conditions. Some want to be happy, some want to be wealthy, and some want to be a better person. And there are hundreds of books on each topic. If you read five pages a day, that will accumulate to 150 pages a month. If you persist in this habit, this will eventually transform you into a better version of yourself.

S - Scribe (Write). It is a way to raise awareness and harness positive energy in you. It will take only 5 minutes in the morning. You can write on an app or on a paper. ("Five Minutes Journal" is such an app)

  1. Write three new things that you are grateful for
  2. Three important things that you need to do to achieve your biggest goal

Write them every day, and you will discover that you have so many reasons to be happy. You have achieved so many things in your life, and your next goal is just yet another goal. You would be more confident as you realize that.

Be happy with where you are and what you are doing. Just know that you will reach your goal at the right moment. So don't get stressed or sad. Just enjoy your day and know that gradually you are reaching your goals.

Top comments (1)

jschleigher profile image
James Schleigher

Thanks for sharing! Plan my day ahead of time helps me to visualize my day better. I like to prepare a to-do list with task management software and it's much easier and trackable. So far, I like Trello and Quire.