Let's learn How to deploy PHPMyAdmin application using helm chart? Learn more about helm here.
Create NFS share
- https://www.linuxbabe.com/ubuntu/nfs-share
- https://vitux.com/install-nfs-server-and-client-on-ubuntu/
Install Helm
Refer installation guide here
Clone github repository
git clone https://github.com/sagar-jadhav/kubernetes-essentials.git
Go to session_5
cd ./kubernetes-essentials/session_5/
Enable Nginx ingress controller
minikube addons enable ingress
kubectl get pods --watch -n kube-system
Exit once controller pod goes into running state
Step 1: Create PHPMyAdmin helm chart
helm create phpmyadmin
Step 2: Add all application YAML files to templates directory
Remove unwanted files from template directory
rm -rf ./phpmyadmin/templates/*
Copy YAML files
cp configmap.yaml db-deployment.yaml db-pv.yaml db-pvc.yaml db-service.yaml secret.yaml phpmyadmin-deployment.yaml phpmyadmin-ingress.yaml phpmyadmin-service.yaml ./phpmyadmin/templates/
Step 3: Package helm chart
helm package phpmyadmin
Step 4: Deploy PHPMyAdmin application
helm install phpmyadmin ./phpmyadmin-0.1.0.tgz
Step 5: List helm release
helm ls
Step 6: List pods
kubectl get pods
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