Kubernetes uses Readiness
& Liveness
probes to manage pod lifecycle. Readiness probe is used to determine whether pod is ready to accept the traffic or not and liveness probe is used to determine whether pod is functioning properly or not. Read more about them here. In this blog I am adding readiness & liveness probe to PHPMyAdmin application.
Deploy PHPMyAdmin Application
Follow Deploy phpMyAdmin application on kubernetes blog
Go to session_4 directory
cd ../session_4/
Step 1: Delete PHPMyAdmin deployment
kubectl delete deployment phpmyadmin
Step 2: Deploy PHPMyAdmin deployment with Readiness & Liveness probes
kubectl create -f phpmyadmin-deployment.yaml
kubectl get pods --watch
Exit once pod goes into running state
Step 9: Browse phpmyadmin application
Go to browser and browse http://IP_ADDRESS:30030. Login with root
user & test
here IP_ADDRESS is the ip address of virtual machine where kubernetes is running.
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