Here, I am covering concepts of persistent volume
(PV) & persistent volume claim
(PVC). In the previous blog I have covered how to deploy PHPMyAdmin application in kubernetes. PHPMyAdmin application does not have a persistent storage. Hence If MySQL pod die due to some unexpected error for e.g. resource crunch then data stored in database will also get deleted as data by default stored in pod. Pods by default are stateless in nature. Hence to persist MySQL data PV
is required.
Persistent Volume (PV)
Storage provisioned by administrator. Learn more here
Persistent Volume Clain (PVC)
Request for a storage by user. Learn more here
Deploy PHPMyAdmin Application
Follow Deploy phpMyAdmin application on kubernetes blog
Go to session_2 directory
cd ../session_2/
Step 1: Create NFS share
I have created NFS mount at /mnt/share
location on VM with IP
Step 2: Create Persistent Volume (PV)
kubectl create -f db-pv.yaml
Step 3: Create Persistent Volume Claim (PVC)
kubectl create -f db-pvc.yaml
Step 4: List PV & PVC
kubectl get pvc
kubectl get pv
Step 5: Redeploy MySQL deployment
kubectl delete deployment db
kubectl create -f db-deployment.yaml
Here db-deployment.yaml
is updated YAML with volume & volume mounts. Next watch pods.
kubectl get pods -n watch
Exit once db pod goes into running state.
Step 6: Go to mount directory and list files
cd /mnt/share
ls -ltr
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