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said labriki
said labriki

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Top Front-end Development Frameworks in 2020

User experience is one of the most important aspects in software development nowadays. The new technologies are appearing so fast that it is becoming difficult for both businesses and developers to keep pace. Businesses are paying more and more attention to frontend development as it enhances user interaction and the wrongly developed UI may not only create an unsightly appearance but also drive away clients. We, at SCAND, decided to create a shortlist of top popular front-end frameworks that are widely used in 2020. Here is a list of front-end frameworks and their popularity since 2009 up to now:
React.js is a top leader in 2020, first because it is easy to learn. Second, its virtual Document Object Model (DOM), which provides exceptional functionality. Thirdly, reusability of the components which makes it easy to collaborate and reuse them in other parts of the application. React.js has a component-based architecture and fast performance due to one-way data binding which makes rendering with the virtual DOM faster. It has an elegant programming style and declarative views that allow creating a clear and maintainable code. It has become highly popular over the last few years as it considerably simplifies the process of developing rich and interactive UIs for web apps. React.js is a great fit for sensitive single-page apps and PWAs.
Angular is an open-source JavaScript framework and is considered to be the second widely used front-end development framework in 2020. Being developed by Google and based on TypeScript, Angular is compatible with the majority of code editors. Angular is unique with its two-way data binding feature.
It is the most popular framework for building interactive components for web and mobile apps. It is effective in building interactive multi-page and progressive web apps and it is a perfect match for enterprise applications and dynamic web apps.
Vue.js is a JavaScript library aimed to create diverse interfaces. It is appreciated for the simplicity, fast visual DOM and reusable components it provides. Vue.js is easy to set up and has simple syntax so one can quickly build simple applications with the Vue framework. Besides that, it allows creating attractive UI for web and mobile applications using the JavaScript library. Although being widely used by Alibaba, Reuters, Xiaomi, most huge corporations ignore Vue.js. Probably because the framework has shown problems with the stability of components. In spite of that, Vue.js continues to gain popularity, a bit slower than React.js but still growing.
Ember.js is a framework for building complex web, mobile, and desktop applications intended to minimize code writing. It uses the model-view-view-model (MVVM) pattern. Ember.js provides beautiful integrated templates that make the app’s user interface stand out.
One of its best features is the command line interface (CLI) tool. The CLI tool helps to increase efficiency and deliver projects on time. Not only does it help to create new projects with ready setups but also create controllers, components, and project files using automatic generation. Ember.js is one of the best front-end solutions for large-scale projects like LinkedIn.
There are some other frameworks that are worth mentioning like Backbone.js, one of the fastest frameworks, or Svelte, emerging framework, etc. The popularity of front-end development frameworks is constantly growing. In this blog post, we reviewed the most popular frameworks used in 2020. Who knows maybe Svelte will gain its popularity next year, let’s see.
If you are looking for front end development expertise, SCAND has a seasoned team of front-end developers able to build comprehensive web and mobile applications for your business.

Said Labriki
frontend devlopper

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