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Install Tailwind Plugins + Vite + Typescript + Tailwind CSS 3

In this section we will install & setup tailwind css forms plugin + typography plugin + vite + typescript with Tailwind CSS 3. For this section we will use create-tw it will help to CLI to scaffold tailwindcss-ready projects. create-tw help to create simple ready template for vanilla js and typescript with tailwind css 3.

Create Tailwind CSS Project

Create tailwind v3 project with npx:

npx create-tw@latest
# OR
npx create-tw@latest <project-name> --template <id>
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Create tailwind v3 project with yarn:

yarn create tw
# OR
yearn create tw <project-name> --template <id>
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select vanilla Project.

select a tailwindcss app with typescript and vite

Select typescript.

 _ ._ _  _. _|_ _  _|_     
 (_ | (/_ (_| |_ (/_  |_ \/\/  

Welcome to create-tw!
The easiest way to create a Tailwind project

? Project name tailwind-app
? App type Vanilla (create-vite)
tid vanilla
? What language will your project be written in? (Use arrow keys)
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Select code style.

? Project name tailwind-app
? App type Vanilla (create-vite)
tid vanilla
? What language will your project be written in? ts
templateIdKey vanilla-ts
? Which dependencies would you like to include? (Press <space> to select, <a> to toggle all, <i> to invert selection,
 and <enter> to proceed)
❯◯ prettier
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Select tailwind css forms plugin and typography plugin.

? Project name tailwind-app
? App type Vanilla (create-vite)
tid vanilla
? What language will your project be written in? ts
templateIdKey vanilla-ts
? Which dependencies would you like to include? 
? Which plugins would you like to include? (Press <space> to select, <a> to toggle all, <i> to invert selection, and 
<enter> to proceed)
❯◯ @tailwindcss/typography
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move to project and run vite.

cd tailwind-app
npm run dev
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<!DOCTYPE html>
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    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <link rel="icon" type="image/svg+xml" href="/vite.svg" />
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      <h1 class="text-4xl font-bold text-center mb-6">Tailwind Plugins + Vite +  Typescript + Tailwind CSS 3</h1>
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            <img src="/vite.svg" alt="Vite" class="h-24" />
        <h2 class="text-3xl font-bold text-center">Tailwind Plugins + Vite +  Typescript + Tailwind CSS 3</h2>
        <p class="mb-6">The Next Generation Frontend Tooling</p>
          class="flex flex-row items-center w-full gap-8 justify-center text-blue-300 font-medium"
            <a href="">Learn More</a>
            <a href="">Why Vite?</a>

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          Create Tailwind
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install tailwindcss with typescript

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