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Sai gowtham
Sai gowtham

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How Did You Start Coding?

Latest comments (51)

jrumandal profile image
John Ralph Umandal

It all started at the age of 12, around year 2007 when I discovered how fun was to play online games and how different the play was from bots.
I then started to look into "tweaking" client application, and modding.
I end up on Computer Science school where I expected to have some serious coding stuff.
It wasn't enough for me, when I realized that period in school was a good moment to start investing my time on w3schools.

Still, I'm in this momentum where I'm currently working as a Web developer and investing my bits of spare time on something else like C++, backend stuff, devops.

I love my job and I believe that if you do what you love, you never work a single day :)

mgrsskls profile image
Michael Großklaus

I was 13 or 14 when building a website for my band. I neither knew how to properly align elements nor how to copy & paste.

So, I sat there and was manually typing        ... all the time just to center some images etc.

learnwithparam profile image
Paramanantham Harrison

I started coding through code challenge websites like codeforces, codechef and topcoder

I started only after my college and then got interested in front end web development and ended up in web and mobile development for years.

burdettelamar profile image
Burdette Lamar

When I was teaching mathematics, I wanted to generate tests for my students -- each test different but equivalent. So taught myself Fortran (yes, this was back in the day) and went to work. The college's computers were a System/3 and a PDP-11, which I could use only in the computer room itself and in off hours. Input: punch cards; output: line printer.

fluffy profile image

When I was 5, my family got a Commodore 64. We did not have a disk drive at first, but we did have a subscription to RUN Magazine, so I learned how to type in other peoples' programs pretty early on. Pretty quickly I decided I wanted to understand how the programs work and how to make my own, and it all just kind of snowballed from there.

sturzl profile image
Avery • Edited

I was interested in electronics and computers, from an electronics kit I had (springs to hold jumper wire between components).

My Dad had learned some BASIC to do things like make maintenance schedules for his job in the Air Force. He gave me his Que book on Q-BASIC and helped me get DOS 6.22 running. Then I started with some example programs.

I remember a game as one of the examples. Monkeys destroying buildings by throwing bananas :)
image of low res low bit color screen with two competing gorillas throwing bananas at reach others buildings, the bananas destroy awkward circular swaths of the buildings

simoroshka profile image
Anna Simoroshka • Edited

My first coding experience was in school. With BASIC. And not the Visual Basic. We had to write line numbers (!) and use GOTO. I think, the first program was 10 lines long and it printed something on the screen in a loop. It was fun but I certainly did not take programming seriously at that point because it felt utterly stupid.

The I got into uni, studying IT. The first semester we learned how to program on paper and blackboard and drew tons of block-schemes. It was fun again, but I still did not see how to translate it into real life.

Then there were algorithmic challenges and puzzles as an after-class activity for those who were interested. It was fun, but no different from riddles.

Then a few years of fundamental stuff mixed with outdated tech mixed with useless subjects mixed with stress and depression... I got my degree and sweared to myself never to touch code again.

Until I got to a master's program, which is a totally different story. :D

smuschel profile image

My father bought an Amstrad CPC 464 and I starte to follow the manual. Still remember that you could watch it paint every single Pixel of a circle. And I remember the sound of loading programs from tape...

davidszabo97 profile image
Dávid Szabó

I was a browser game addict back then. I loved them. One day I decided that I want to build my own - of course I never finished any - but I had a few players on my own games. Mostly testers. It was fun and I just couldn't stop programming. Then I started playing Minecraft. I started my own server (Bukkit) and server side programming hooked me. Nowadays I am doing all kind of web stuff and I still love doing it :) Best of all, it is my hobby and I make a living out of my hobby!

I am working hard to implement an idea and launch my own product. Too bad I am a noob at designing and creating unique products :D

theredspy15 profile image
Hunter Drum

I took a 'Sololearn' course a few years back, and fell in love with coding since

abdurrahmaanj profile image
Abdur-Rahmaan Janhangeer

'few years back' XD sololearn is that old

qm3ster profile image
Mihail Malo • Edited

Game Maker 4 -> Wiremod Expression 2 -> VB forms -> .bat files -> C# MVC3
Don't worry, I am not doing C# MVC3 now xD
This was decades ago.

iasjem profile image

A long time ago, I learned how to create a simple static website in high school after learning about HTML and some CSS during 6th grade with social media websites like mySpace and Friendster. In high school, I learned more about Visual Basic and C++. After graduation, I decided to take up a college degree in computer programming. Learned a lot from my classes and learned how to program in Java and created my first android app as part of my undergraduate thesis. Did it alone and fortunately, won an award for it.

After some time graduating from college, I worked as data analyst in an outsourcing company. Got tired with it and after a year, quit my job to pursuit a career on mobile app development.

Today, I am still in the process of getting back on my feet after not coding for a very long time (it has been 2 years actually). I have a lot of catching up to do and I am really looking forward to that.

Hello. :)

adhocore profile image

started with small graphics games like Tetris, Snake etc in C language and many automation utilities in Windows batch, years ago!

lmbarr profile image
Luis Miguel • Edited

I started when I was in my first year of college maybe at the age of 19. I got my first programming 101 class (the teacher was so good) and I was fascinated, the class was in C/C++ and to see that the computer obey my commands was awesome.. I felt so thrilled when I did my first printf("hello world") and since then I didn't stop.

soulfiremage profile image
Richard Griffiths

I had no interest in coding before I was 39, not really. I'd done basic IT consulting and so on.

However I was taken on to help a company called Caredocs to produce care planning assessments.

The company was tiny, the client base was eighty care homes and the users were nurses and care workers.

This gave me context for their needs. The owner was the coder and like all business owners, spread too thin.

Every tiny thing I learnt that could affect the care homes use of the product was gold, really. Nurses and carers using it would often be incredibly positive about all kinds of small changes.

This drove me to learn sql and VB in more and more depth until I could fix most things, add new features and all sorts.

This, having real life, face to face and often emotional feed back for work I'd sat and figured drove me at that time.