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Shortest & Usefullest React component you'll ever use

React (IF) component for conditional rendering.

Have you bothered writing that conditional rendering syntax and getting that curly braces shape, therefore getting chaos and messy code?.

You will never ever use it again with this 1 line of code.

// (elseChildren = null) because you won't always have else
export default IF(condition, children, elseChildren = null) {
      return condition ? children : elseChildren
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And then you can use it anywhere.

import IF from "./IF"

function mustSleep({time}) {
    return (
            <IF condition={time >= 9} 
                elseChildren={Write Code.}>
                Go Sleep!

export default mustSleep
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Don't hesitate to add this component to your project
and be clean with your code!

I genuinely hope that helped you devs!.
Inspiring by this article: A React "if component"

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