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Salajan Silviu
Salajan Silviu

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Mastering Ruby on Rails: Thoughts and Ideas

Mastering Ruby on Rails: Thoughts and Ideas

Ruby on Rails, with its convention-over-configuration philosophy, has become a go-to framework for developers building modern web applications. But to truly master Rails, one must dive deep into both the Ruby language and the Rails ecosystem. In this article, I’ll share some of my thoughts and ideas. Whether you’re preparing for a job interview or looking to deepen your understanding of the framework, mastering the fundamentals is crucial.

1. Ruby Language Fundamentals

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Principles

At the heart of Ruby lies its object-oriented nature. Mastering OOP principles is essential for any Ruby developer:

  • Encapsulation: Protect your data and methods by encapsulating them within objects. This keeps your code organized and maintainable.
  • Inheritance: Leverage Ruby’s inheritance to create hierarchical class structures, allowing for code reuse and logical categorization.
  • Polymorphism: Understand how to implement polymorphism in Ruby, enabling objects to be treated as instances of their parent class.
  • Abstraction: Simplify complex systems by focusing on high-level interactions while hiding implementation details.


Mixins in Ruby allow you to share behavior between classes without using inheritance. By using extend, include, and included do, you can inject methods and functionality into classes, offering a flexible way to build reusable code.


Ruby’s metaprogramming capabilities enable you to write code that writes code:

  • method_missing: Dynamically handle calls to methods that don’t exist, allowing for flexible and dynamic behavior.
  • define_method: Programmatically define methods on classes or modules, enhancing the adaptability of your code.

Ruby Constructs

Understanding Ruby’s unique constructs is vital:

  • Proc vs Lambda: Learn the differences between these two, particularly how they handle return statements and arguments.
  • Duck Typing and Monkey Patching: Embrace Ruby’s dynamic typing by understanding how objects are treated based on their behavior rather than class. Use monkey patching wisely to extend or modify existing classes.
  • Everything is an object: In Ruby, even classes and methods are objects. Understanding this concept is key to mastering Ruby.

Memory Management & Optimization

  • Memoization: Optimize performance by storing the results of expensive operations and reusing them when needed.

Multithreading & Concurrency

Ruby provides basic tools for managing concurrency:

  • General Concepts: Grasp the basics of multithreading, concurrency, and the challenges they introduce.
  • How it works in Ruby, JRuby: Learn how Ruby handles threads and how JRuby enhances concurrency support.

2. Design Patterns & Principles

SOLID Principles

The SOLID principles are the foundation of good software design. Applying these principles ensures that your code is modular, flexible, and easy to maintain.

GoF (Gang of Four) Patterns

Familiarize yourself with the most common design patterns:

  • Factory, Singleton, Facade, Strategy: Learn when and how to apply these patterns to solve recurring design problems.

Rails-Specific Patterns

Rails introduces several design patterns tailored to the framework’s needs:

  • Service Object: Encapsulate business logic within service objects, promoting code reuse and separation of concerns.
  • Form Object: Simplify complex forms by handling their logic within a dedicated object.
  • Presenter and Decorator: Separate presentation logic from models, ensuring a clean MVC structure.
  • Builder and Observer: These patterns help in managing object creation and handling event-driven behavior respectively.

3. Database & ORM

Database Design & Optimization

An optimized database design is critical for performance:

  • Normalization/Denormalization: Balance between normalized data structures for consistency and denormalized structures for performance.
  • Locks and Transactions: Ensure data integrity and consistency through appropriate use of locks and transactions.

SQL Optimizations

  • Indexes, SQL Joins, Arel.sql: Optimize query performance by understanding how to effectively use indexes and joins, and how to leverage Arel for complex queries.

ActiveRecord Performance

ActiveRecord is the ORM layer in Rails, and optimizing it is crucial:

  • N + 1 Queries: Identify and eliminate N + 1 query problems to improve performance.
  • eager_load, preload: Use eager loading techniques to optimize database queries and reduce load times.

Database Systems

  • MySQL Performance: Understand how to tune MySQL for optimal performance in Rails applications.
  • NoSQL (Redis): Learn the basics of working with Redis for caching and data storage.

4. Rails Framework

Core Concepts

  • Ruby on Rails Callbacks: Master the use of callbacks to hook into the lifecycle of your ActiveRecord models.
  • Scopes and Filtering: Utilize scopes for reusable query logic and integrate Ransack for advanced filtering capabilities.

Rails Engines & Gem Development

  • Create and Extend a Gem: Gain experience in building and extending Rails engines and gems to add modular functionality to your applications.


  • Router Configuration: Learn how to configure the Rails router effectively to handle complex routing scenarios.


  • Ruby and Rails Performance Tuning: Focus on optimizing both Ruby code and Rails applications for maximum efficiency and speed.

5. Web Development & APIs


Security is paramount in web development:

  • CORS, JWT, OAuth: Implement secure communication and authentication mechanisms in your Rails applications.
  • Authorization & Authentication: Build secure authentication systems and manage user permissions effectively.

HTTP Basics

  • Headers, Payloads, Requests: Understand the structure of HTTP requests and responses, and how to interact with them in Rails.

Front-End Integration

Enhance your Rails application with modern front-end technologies:

  • Tailwind CSS, SASS, Bootstrap: Style your applications using these powerful CSS frameworks.
  • JavaScript/TypeScript, Stimulus, Hotwire, Turbo, React: Integrate JavaScript and modern front-end libraries into your Rails applications.

REST & Microservices

  • Grape Gem: Build RESTful APIs using the Grape gem, and explore the world of microservices in Ruby.

6. DevOps & Infrastructure

Containerization & Orchestration

  • Docker, Kubernetes: Learn how to containerize your applications with Docker and orchestrate them using Kubernetes.

Infrastructure as Code

  • Ansible, Terraform: Manage your infrastructure using code with these powerful tools.

Cloud Services

  • AWS, Heroku, Hetzner: Deploy your Rails applications to the cloud using these popular platforms.
  • Dokku: Explore Dokku as a lightweight alternative to more complex PaaS solutions.

CI/CD & Monitoring

  • Kamal, AppSignal, Logger: Implement continuous integration and deployment pipelines, and monitor your applications effectively.

Background Jobs

  • Sidekiq: Offload time-consuming tasks to background jobs using Sidekiq.

Payment Integration

  • Stripe: Integrate payment processing into your Rails application with Stripe.

7. Other Tools & Utilities

REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop)

The REPL is an essential tool for testing and experimenting with Ruby code on the fly.

File Attachments

  • Paperclip: Manage file uploads in your Rails applications using Paperclip.

Web Servers

  • Puma, Nginx: Understand how to configure and optimize web servers to serve your Rails applications.


Mastering Ruby on Rails requires a deep understanding of both the Ruby language and the Rails framework. By focusing on these key areas, you’ll be well-prepared for any challenge that comes your way, whether it’s a job interview or a complex project. Continue learning, experimenting, and building, and you’ll become a proficient developer in no time.

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