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Yes, React is taking over front-end development. The question is why.

Samer Buna on June 06, 2018

The focus of this article is about React’s popularity and not how it compares to other frameworks or libraries Here are a few reasons why React ...
lobo_tuerto profile image
Víctor Adrián

Vue.js is taking over frontend development, and everyone knows why. :)

kayis profile image

[citation needed]


leob profile image

React is great but I've become a fan of Vue, let's hope it will become even more successful than it is already. Great if there are two leading frameworks (React and Vue) competing head-on.

erhankilic profile image
Erhan Kılıç • Edited

I don't agree. People are learning (memorizing is more accurate) the react (angular, vue etc...) without knowing javascript. I know lots of people like this and their code is really really bad. I bored of fixing their damn codes. So, react api is more simple could be a reason but people don't even know that too.
Btw, good article!

coffeeintocode profile image

A comment and some conjecture on the why behind this...An observation of job options, companies emphasize framework proficiency (react, angular, vue) above foundation stability (vanilla js). So if your learning or developing as a dev. The economic incentive is to learn enough JS to get by then learn a js framework and get hired.

  • A little perspective for thought... Would you say a cook just memorized a recipe because they don't understand the chemistry underpinning the interaction? Did you "memorize" JS because you don't know all of the underpinnings of C?

The line of reason applied is an infinite regression....

Just food for thought since more frameworks and languages are going to be built on others in the years to come.

mfferreira profile image
Marco Ferreira

Good post about React overall.

That said, I will completely disagree with this thing that everyone keeps echoing:
"React is just JavaScript"

React is not "just" Javascript, and someone did a great job explaining why:

tomerbendavid profile image
Tomer Ben David

I have all the benefits of all you described in angular I use ngstore and I declartivly describe my UI. I have type safety I have e2e tests and all the "non lightweight" stuff that causes my development to be heavy (proper modularization, tests, type safety, well organized code). I don't like the lightnessness of other frameworks it's actually a mess.

alanmarazzi profile image

I'm wondering how much of this is due to Clojurescript and Reagent. Anyway, at some point the industry will have to settle on some "standard", and I hope it's going to be React!

fc250152 profile image

I don't think that it should be React ... the future cannot be so sad ...

bgadrian profile image
Adrian B.G.

I will reply on the first paragraphs of the article (the rest of the article I don't think is relevant, based on the title of the post).

The first 2 reasons you give (for react popularity) can be applied to jQuery or any other JS UI framework.

The third to Flutter.

The last 2 reasons can be applied to AngularJS (replace facebook with google). And from what I read only a few small parts of are built on React.

And as for graphs, I think the ecosystem is growing, and any framework that is not dieing is growing too. I could say the same thing about vue.


Indeed React is taking over, it's very popular but I don't think these are the reasons, maybe because of its simplicity, and/or because is based on "better"/more suited paradigms for UI development (unlike jQuery, imperative vs declarative), and a few others, but most of all: it doesn't have a competition (maybe just clones like pReact).

No, VueJS and Angular are not the competition. VueJS is a full framework (unlike React that solves only the view), and Angular is meant for enterprise level apps (solve different problems).

I think that jQuery, React, Vue and Angular do not compete, cannot compete, they solve different problems in different ways, and cover different topics with different paradigms (eg: 2 way binding vs 1 source of truth). It's just that:

  • devs are using the wrong technology for their problems (hype and such) (eg: small apps with angular and big apps with react)
  • React is the first (mainstream) framework that solves this niche (declarative simple UI elements with shadow dom for SPA)
leob profile image

I think Vue is definitely a competitor, they're being used to build the same sort of apps, and the core concepts are the same (reactivity, virtual DOM, etcetera).

The only difference is Vue has a bit more stuff "built in" (for instance a routing system), that's why you could call it a framework - it has a more "integrated" feel. However, react + react-router + redux more or less has the same scope as vue + vuex. Library/framework distinction is a bit artificial.

So I'd say they are competitors, React isn't unique in its space. Bring on the competition!

vicxxx profile image

Not necessarily agree TS is gaining a lot of love from developers recently and a lot of devs start coming to the TS OG adopter ... Angular. As much as you may think it's not true because every dev article shoves React down your throat the growth is visible.

matthewekeller profile image

Some false statements here.

Using js to manipulate the DOM is difficult - No its easy, and so is coding straight HTML. There is no reason to render you HTML using js. Render you HTML server side and only manipulate it using js.

React is just javascript - Completely false. Its a weird Frankenstein of HTML and javascript and even adds more code that is completely unique to React.

fc250152 profile image

'React is just JavaScript'. Ehmm... what about JSX? I know I may avoid it, but at this point I prefer to use Vue, where I may use true HTML + true JS