DEV Community

Samuel Lubliner
Samuel Lubliner

Posted on

Link in bio

I enjoyed the link in bio project because it is an effective and customizable way to share a collection of content.

I am getting more familiar with the project setup including:

  1. Forking the assignment
  2. Creating a codespace workspace
  3. Run rackup to start the puma server
  4. Adding files and viewing the live preview
  5. Always be committing (A.B.C)
  6. Deploying on
    1. Create a new organization
    2. fly auth login
    3. fly launch creates .dockerignore, Dockerfile, fly.toml
    4. fly deploy

This is my link in bio:
It's coming along and I still have a lot to learn about styling.

Top comments (3)

sonid22 profile image

It looks great!
I definitely need to work on deploying on so I might steal note #6.

I am hoping to continue to add more to my Link in bio page. I had NO IDEA how much styling it took to get the web pages we have now. At the moment, my link in bio page is giving me flash backs to 2005!

samuellubliner profile image
Samuel Lubliner

Please use note#6! After this project I have much more appreciation for good looking websites because of all the work behind styling

simontoledano profile image
Simon Toledano

Super helpful post, thanks!